Volume I : page 367
Not in McDonald.
Not in Loudon.
Bradley III, 30.
Jefferson ordered this book from Stockdale, in a letter written from Paris on July 1, 1787; on a separate memorandum he has added the price, 10/6. It is entered without price on the undated manuscript catalogue.
This book is on the list of agricultural books recommended by Jefferson for the Library of Congress, to W. C. Nicholas on December 16, 1809.
For a note on Abercrombie, see Mawe, Thomas, above.
Culture de la grosse Asperge de Hollande par Filassier. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 31. no. 17, as above.
FILLASSIER, Jean Jacques.
Culture de la grosse asperge, dite de Hollande, la plus précoce, la plus hâtive, la plus féconde & la plus durable que l’on connoisse. Traité qui présente les moyens de la cultiver avec succès en toutes sortes de terres. Par M. Fillassier, des Académies d’Arras, de Lyon, de Marseille, & Correspondant de celle de Toulouse. Nouvelle Édition, revue et corrigée. Vingt-quatre sols, broché. A Amsterdam; et se trouve a Paris: chez Méquignon l’aîné, 1783.
12mo. 78 leaves; no copy of this edition was located for collation; the above title is that of the 1788 edition, of which this is a reprint. [ sic -- Ed. ]
Quérard III, page 122.
Not in Loudon.
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 2-6.
Jean Jacques Fillassier, 1736-1806, Flemish agriculturalist and moralist. According to the bibliographies, the 1783 is the first edition of this work, reprinted in 1784 and 1788; the title-page of the edition of 1783 as given in the catalogue of the Bibliothèque Nationale reads Nouvelle Edition and [ Questions d’agriculture proposées dans la “Gazette d’agriculture” du 19 mars 1782 ].
a Treatise on gardening by John Randolph. p.f.
1815 Catalogue, page 31. no. 16, as above, 16s.
A Treatise on Gardening. By a Native of this state. Richmond: Printed by Thomas Nicholson, 1793.
16mo. No copy of this edition is known to exist. [ OCLC reports one copy at Hollins University-- Ed.]
Sabin 96739.
Evans 26275.
M. F. Warner, A Treatise on Gardening by . . . John Randolph, Jr.
William and Mary Quarterly vol. 25, 1916 pp. 138, 9.
Jefferson’s entry in his manuscript catalogue, as above, is the chief source of information for attributing this treatise to John Randolph.
The copy sold by Jefferson to Congress in 1815 was destroyed in 1851, and no other copy of this edition has been located.
According to M. F. Warner, op. cit. the first edition must have been published before the American Revolution, but it is not known when or where it was printed. All eighteenth century issues are supposed to have appeared without the author’s name.
The work was reprinted in the second edition of Gardiner and Hepburn’s The American Gardener , Georgetown, 1818, where it is described as being by a “learned and eminent Citizen of Virginia”.
Randolph on Gardening, 18° was bound for Jefferson by John March on June 7, 1803 (Huntington).
John Randolph, 1727-1784, a kinsman and friend of Jefferson, wrote this book, the first treatise on gardening written in the colonies, for the benefit of his friends.
Volume I : page 367
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