Volume I : page 360
“ you so obligingly transmitted.”
Chapter VIII of the Troisieme Partie treats of Culture du Cotonnier dans les îles de l’Amérique, and other parts of the work give accounts of cotton cultivation in South America and North America, with references to Carolina, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and other States.
This book was on the list of agricultural works recommended by Jefferson to W. C. Nicholas on December 16, 1809, for purchase for the Library of Congress.
Charles Philibert, comte de Lasteyrie-du Saillant, 1759-1849, French agriculturalist, was made a member of the American Philosophical Society on December 10, 1807. Among other activities he was the creator of the first lithographic machine used in Paris.
Pratique de l’Agriculture par Drouette Richardot. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 33. no. 41, as above.
De la Pratique de l’Agriculture; ou, Recueil d’essais et d’expériences dont le succès est constaté par des pièces authentiques . . . Paris, 1806.
First Edition. 8vo. 321 leaves; no copy was seen for collation.
Quérard II, page 586.
Jefferson’s copy was a gift from the author, who wrote to him as the President of the United States from Paris on May 14, 1808: “La protection spéciale dont jouir l’economie rurale dans les Etats-Unis, m’impose le devoir sacré de vous faire hommage de mon Traité de la Pratique de l’Agriculture.

"Cet ouvrage est le résultat d’Expériences constamment suivies pendant plus de 20 ans, dont le succès reconnu a été couronné de plusieurs Sociétés savantes . . .

"je serai plus heureux encore si vous daignez reçovoir le second exemplaire que j’ai l’honneur de vous offrir, comme le Tribut du respect . . .”
Jefferson replied from Washington on February 25, 1809: “ I have received your letter of the 14. May 1808. & with it the favor of two copies of your valuable treatise on the practise of Agriculture. One of them has according to your request been deposited in the library of Congress, where it’s members will have opportunities of being benefited by your experience. the other, by your permission, will be carried with me into that state of retirement to which I am now with anxiety looking forward, where undoubtedly my principal attentions will be to the culture of the earth, and my Occupation the reading the works of those who, like yourself, instruct mankind in the practice of this first of all human arts . . .
Neither copy is now in the Library of Congress.

Evelyn’s Silva. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 32. no. 74, as above.
Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest-Trees, and the Propagation of Timber in His Majesties Dominions. By J. E. Esq., As it was Deliver’d in the Royal Society the XVth of October, cIɔIɔlxII, upon Occasion of certain quaeries propounded to that Illustrious Assembly, by the Honorable the Principal Officers, and Commissioners of the Navy. To which is annexed Pomona, Or, an Appendix concerning Fruit-Trees in relation to Cider; the Making and several ways of Ordering it. Published by express Order of the Royal Society. Also Kalendarium Hortense; or, Gard’ners Almanac; Directing what he is to do Monethly through-
Volume I : page 360
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