Volume I : page 312

“ the British Dominions . . . He sends two Copies, of the Papers above-mentioned, lest by any mistake or misfortune, one of the Copies should not find its way to New York . . .”
Agriculture de Planazu.
Oeuvres d’Agriculture.
The first edition was printed in Paris [and Troyes-- Ed.] in 1786; the second in 1801.
Rey de Planazu, fl. 1786, Swiss agriculturalist.
vii. Demarara Cotton.
This pamphlet has not been identified.
viii. Ingenhousz. electricité sur les vegetaux.
This may have been the pamphlet referred to in a letter from Ingen Housz (so written) to Jefferson, dated from Vienna, Dec. 28, 1786: “I can make no doubt, but you will sometimes meet with a favourable oportunity of some traveller to forward this parcel, directed to D( ~r). Franklin, containing three books, and six copies of a pamphlet, of which the author begs you the favour of accepting a copy which accompanies the parcel and will be delivered to you by m( ~r) Barrois le jeun . . .”
Jefferson answered this letter on July 9, 1787: “ An absence of three or four months on a journey through the Southern parts of France & Northern of Italy, has prevented my acknowleging earlier the receipt of your favor of Dec. 28. together with the pamphlet received through Barrois, for which I beg the author to accept my sincere thanks . . .
A short article on l’électricité sur les végétaux by Ingenhousz was published in the Journal de Physique , Tome XXXII. Part I, Mai, 1788, pages 321-337, with the title: “ Lettre de M. Ingen-Housz . . . a M. Molitor . . . au sujet de l’influence de l’électricité atmosphérique sur les végétaux.
Jan Ingenhousz, 1730-1799, was born in Holland and died in London. He was a member of the Royal Society of London and of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia. For his books on the above subject, published by “m( ~r) Barrois le jeun” see chapter 8. His Mémoires and other short articles were published in the Transactions of the Philosophical Society , the Journal de Physique and the Actes de l’Académie des Sciences at Rotterdam.
Barton on the progress of population.
ix. BARTON, William.
Observations on the probabilities of the Duration of Human Life, and the progress of Population, in the United States of America; in a Letter from William Barton, Esq. to David Rittenhouse, L.L.D. President of the American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia: Printed by R. Aitken & Son, 1791.
4to. The above title is the caption title from the article in the American Philosophical Society Transactions , Vol. III, no. VII, pp. (25)-62; the title of the separately issued article (which Jefferson had) differs slightly; according to Evans the separate edition had (2), 38 pages.
Not in Sabin.
Evans 23158.
Jefferson’s copy was a presentation from the author, who wrote from Philadelphia on December 31, 1791: “The sheets which compose the pamphlet, herewith inclosed, will be comprized in the third Volume of the Philosophical Society’s Transactions, now in the press.

"Being favored by the printer with a few copies of this part (with the addition of a Title-page), I beg, Sir, your acceptance of one.

"If some additional Observations on the same subject, resulting from the Census--which have ”

Volume I : page 312

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