Volume I : page 310

Geologiques de Faujas de S t. Fond. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 29. no. 30, as above.
FAUJAS de SAINT-FOND, Barthélemy.
Voyage geologique à Oberstein. Paris, 1803.
4to. plates; no copy was seen for collation.
Agassiz II, page 393, no. 5.
This is possibly the book referred to in the correspondence between William Fleischer, bookseller of Baltimore, and Jefferson, and purchased from the former, in 1804, price 18 dollars.
On October 8, Fleischer wrote to Jefferson enclosing a letter from Faujas de Saint-Fond: “Ne pouvant pas avoir l’avantage de remettre à Votre Excellence la lettre ci-jointe moi-même, à cause de mes occupations, je prends la liberté de l’envoyer en attendant, en me flattant que sous peu de temps je pourroi Vous témoigner mes respects en personne à féderal City.

"La lettre de Mr. faujas est bien ancienne; la raison en est, que mon voyage fut retardé, par des circonstances particulières, près d’un an.

"Mr. faujas m’a confié un de ses ouvrages dont je suppose qu’il n’est pas encore connu de Votre Excellence. S’il peut vous convenir, il est à Votre disposition, le prix en est 18 Dollars . . .”
Jefferson replied on October 13, enclosing the money: “ I duly recieved your favor of the 8 th. and in that the letter of Mons r. Faujas de S t. Fond, from whom whatever comes is acceptable. I recieved safely also the work of his which you were so kind as to send, & for which I send you by m ( ~r ) Carpenter the price 18. dollars; of which 15. are inclosed, & three metallic he will deliver, there being no paper of so small a denomination. should you have any other works, new and good, among your collection, I would thank you to take the trouble of noting to me their title and price, my own collection furnishing most things old, and my time not permitting me to read but what is good. the title will enable me to judge whether the subject interests me . . .
Fleischer’s receipt is dated 15 October, 1804.
Tracts in Cosmology. viz. Pownal’s hydraulic & nautical observñs.--Williams’s use of the thermometer in navigñ.--transactions of the agricultural society of N. Y.--Parmentier sur le mays--British wool-- Agriculture de Planazu--Demarara cotton--Ingenhousz. electricité sur les vegetaux.--Barton on the progress of population. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 30. no. 25, Tracts in Cosmology, 4to viz. Pownal, Williams, Parmentier, Planazu, Ingenhousz, Barton.
Pownal’s hydraulic & nautical observñs.
i. POWNALL, Thomas.
Hydraulic and nautical observations on the currents in the Atlantic Ocean, forming a hypothetical theorem for investigation. With a corresponding Chart of that Ocean. Addressed to navigators by Governor Pownall. F. R. S. & F. S. A. To which are annexed some notes by Dr. Franklin. London: Printed for Robert Sayer. MDCCLXXXVII. [1787.]
GC271 .P7

Volume I : page 310

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