Volume I : page 293

Histoire des Croisades par Maimburgh. 4. v. 16 s.
1815 Catalogue, page 27. no. 6, as above, with the reading Maimbourg.
Histoire des croisades pour le deliverance de la Terre Sainte. Par le P. Louis Maimbourg, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Tome Premier [-Quatrième]. Seconde Edition. Suivant la Copye Imprimée à Paris chez Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy [ Amsterdam: ? Wolfgang]. M. DC. LXXXII. [1682.]
D158 .M23
4 vol. 12mo. vol. I, 196 leaves, engraved frontispiece; vol. II, 166 leaves; vol. III, troisième édition, 1685, 160 leaves; vol. IV, 184 leaves; the volumes collate in twelves; sphere device on each title.
Not in Quérard.
Backer V, col. 350, no. 16.
Rebound in half red morocco in 1904 by the Library of Congress; initialled by Jefferson at sigs. I and T throughout.
Louis Maimbourg, 1610-1686, French historian. This book was first printed in Paris, 2 vol. 4to, 1675.
Stackhouse’s history of the old & new testament. 6. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 28. no. 12, Stackhouse’s history of the Bible, 5 v 8vo.
A New History of the Holy Bible, from the Beginning of the World, to the Establishment of Christianity . . . The whole illustrated with proper Maps and Sculptures. By the Reverend Thomas Stackhouse, A.M. Late Vicar of Beenham in Berkshire. Vol. I. [-IV.] Edinburgh: Printed for Alex. Donaldson, and John Wood, and for James Meuros, Bookseller in Kilmarnock, 1767.-- A History of the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, from his Birth, to the Establishment of Christianity . . . Vol. I. [-II.] Edinburgh: Printed by Sands, Murray, and Cochran, for James Meuros, Bookseller in Kilmarnock, 1765.
BS635 .A257
Together 6 vol. 8vo. in fours. Vol. I, 244 leaves, the last leaf with Alexander Donaldson’s advertisement, engraved portrait frontispiece by H. Gavis; vol. II, 236 leaves; vol. III, 336 leaves, the last leaf with Alexander Donaldson’s advertisement; vol. IV, 356 leaves, the last leaf with Alexander Donaldson’s advertisement; vol. I [V], 204 leaves, the last a blank; vol. II [VI], 234 leaves, the last leaf with Meuros’s Proposals for printing, by Subscription, Mr. Salmon’s New Geographical and Historical Grammar, dated Kilmarnock, July 1, 1765; each volume illustrated with full-page plates, folded maps and plans.
Lowndes V, page 2486.
Bound in old calf. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplates.
From the library of George Wythe, bequeathed to Jefferson, and received in 1806, after the death of Wythe. The volumes have annotations in English and in Greek written by Wythe.
Jefferson’s original manuscript entry reads: Stackhouse’s history of the bible 5.v. 8 vo ., the last part crossed through with the pen and corrected to old & new testament 6.v. 8 vo.
Thomas Stackhouse, 1677-1752, English theologian. This work was originally issued in bi-monthly parts, in folio, and published in three folio volumes in 1737.
Mosheim’s Ecclesiastical hist. 6. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 27. no. 11, as above.
von MOSHEIM, Johann Lorenz.
An Ecclesiastical History, Antient and Modern, from the Birth of Christ, to the Beginning of the Present Century . . . By the late learned John Lawrence

Volume I : page 293

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