Volume I : page 286

Chapter V

Ecclesiastical History

Abregé chronologique de l’histoire ecclesiastique. 3. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 27. no. 9, as above.
[MACQUER, Philippe.]
Abrégé Chronologique de l’Histoire Ecclésiastique, contenant l’histroire ( sic ) des Eglises d’Orient & d’Occident; les Conciles généraux & particuliers; les Auteurs Ecclésiastiques; les schismes, les hérésies, les Institutions des Ordres monastiques, &c. Tome Premier [-Troisième] . . . Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée & augmentée. A Paris: chez Herissant Fils. M. DCC. LXVIII. [1768.]
BR143 .M3
Third Edition. 3 vl. Sm. 8vo. Vol. I, 312 leaves; vol. II, 378 leaves; vol. III, 316 leaves; engraved vignette after De Seve repeated on each title-page, engraved head-piece after the same artist at the beginning of each chapter, that on H 6, vol. II pasted down; the misprint in the title of vol. I corrected in vol. II and III; the titles after the volume number vary according to the contents of the volumes.
Barbier I, col. 16.
Quérard V, page 419.
French marbled calf, gilt, gilt backs, marbled end papers, m.e. Not initialled by Jefferson. The names of the authors, Philippe Macquer and Jos. Ant. Toussaint Dinouart, are supplied by hand on the first title-page. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Jefferson bought a copy of this work from Froullé on June 27, 1787, price 18 (livres).
Philippe Macquer, 1720-1770, French lawyer and historian, was the author of volumes I and II of this work, first published in 1751.
Joseph Antoine Toussaint Dinouart, 1716-1786, French author, edited this edition of Macquer’s work, and added the third volume. This edition was put on the Index.
Histoire des oracles de Fontenelle. 16 s.
1815 Catalogue, page 27. no. 1, as above.
[FONTENELLE, Bernard Le Bouyer de.]
Histoire des Oracles. Par l’Autheur des Dialogues des Morts. à Amsterdam: chez Pierre Mortier. M. DC. LXXXVII. [1687.]
BF1761 .F62
12mo. 120 leaves; publisher’s advertisement on the last page.
Barbier II, col. 759.
This edition not in Quérard.
Rebound in half red morocco by the Library of Congress. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I. Formerly in the library of Simon Fanshawe, with his armorial bookplate. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
This work is listed on Jefferson’s undated catalogue, with the price, 6d.
Bernard Le Bouyer de Fontenelle, 1657-1757, French author. This book was originally published in Paris in 1686. It is based on the De Oraculis Ethnicorum dissertationes duae , Amsterdam, 1683, of Antonius van Dale, the Dutch savant, 1638-1708.

Volume I : page 286

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