Eloge de M. de Vergennes par Vicq-d’Azyr.
Eloge de M. le comte de Vergennes, lu le 12 Février 1788, dans la Séance publique de la Société Royale de Médecine; Par M.
Vicq-D’Azyr, Secrétaire Perpétuel de la Société, &c.
Paris: chez
Clousier, Imprimeur du Roi,
First Edition. 4to. 34 leaves.
Jefferson purchased a copy from
Froullé on September 16, 1788, price
2.8. br.
Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes, 1717-1787, French statesman, supported the American states in the War of Independence, and was in constant
correspondence over a period of years with Thomas Jefferson.
Felix Vicq-d’Azyr, 1748-1794, French doctor of medicine. In a letter to Charles Willson Peale, March 13, 1808, Jefferson described him as “
(if living) very great as a medical writer.”
Phelp’s Memoirs.
1815 Catalogue, page 24. no. 4, as above.
Memoirs and Adventures of Captain Matthew Phelps; formerly of Harwington in Connecticut, now resident in Newhaven in Vermont.
Particularly in two Voyages, from Connecticut to the River Mississippi, from December 1773 to October 1780 . . . Compiled
from the original Journal and Minutes kept by Mr. Phelps, during his Voyages and Adventures . . . By Anthony Haswell.
Bennington, in Vermont: From the press of Anthony Haswell,
F341 .P54
First Edition. 12mo. 138 leaves; list of subscribers on 6 leaves at the end.
Sabin 30829.
The Bibliography of Vermont, page
Spargo, no. 126.
Rebound in red morocco, m.e. Initialled by Jefferson at sigs. I and T.
This is probably the compilation referred to by Haswell in a letter to Jefferson written from Bennington on September 16,
1802: “. . . Enclosed herewith I send a compilation, made from an obscure manuscript of only three sheets; my boldness in doing which
you will excuse . . .”
Jefferson answered the principal matter contained in the letter on October 13, without reference to the “compilation.”
Matthew Phelps, d. 1817 at New Haven, Vermont.
Anthony Haswell, 1756-1816, born in England but emigrated at the age of thirteen and become
] a printer in Bennington, Vermont.
Tracts in biography, viz. Eloge de Franklin--Smith’s eulogium on d
o.--Lowell’s eulogium on Bowdoin--History of Macpherson--Rush’s eulogium on Cullen.
1815 Catalogue, page 25. no. 65, Tracts in biography, viz. Franklin, Bowdoin, Mc. Pherson, Cullen, 8vo.
1. Five tracts bound together for Jefferson in 1 volume, sheep. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
AC901 .M5 Vol. 23