Volume I : page 244

Alphabétique des Matieres. A Amsterdam: et se trouve à Bruxelles: chez Emmanuel Flon. M. DCC. LXXXV. [1785.]
E164 .M27
8vo. 272 leaves; folded engraved map as frontispiece, 2 folded tables.
Sabin 44240.
Quérard V, page 486.
Not in Faÿ.
Bound, probably for Jefferson, in calf, marbled end papers, by a French binder. Initialled by Jefferson at sigs. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 7.5.
Joseph Mandrillon, 1743-1794, French author, was, as stated on the title-page of this book, négociant à Amsterdam, et Membre de l’Academie de Bourg-en-Bresse . He came to the United States with the intention of founding branches of an American bank, and tried, without success, to become a member of the Society of the Cincinnati. In 1794 he was guillotined in Paris as a constitutional royalist. The first edition of this book was published in 1784.
Ethan Allen’s vindication of Vermont against New York. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 24. no. 30, as above.
ALLEN, Ethan.
A Vindication of the Opposition of the Inhabitants of Vermont to the Government of New-York, and of their Right to form into an Independent State. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of the impartial World. By Ethan Allen. [ Dresden, Vermont] Printed by Alden Spooner, Printer to the State of Vermont, 1779.
E187 .C7 Col. Pamph. 19
First Edition. Sm. 4to. 86 leaves including the Appendix; printed on blue-gray paper.
Sabin 803.
Evans 16183.
Church 1156.
Gilman 6.
The only copy of this work now in the Jefferson Collection is in a bound volume of pamphlets, Colonial pamphlets 19, for which see chapter 24.
Ethan Allen, 1737-1789, revolutionary soldier and author, published this pamphlet in obedience to the resolve of the Governor and Council of Vermont, passed August 23, 1779. The Appendix is a reprint of Allen’s Arguments in Favor of the Validity of the New Hampshire Grants, previously published with his Brief Narrative in 1774. This pamphlet is one of the earliest works printed in Vermont.
Belknap’s Hist. of New Hampshire. 8 vo. 3. vols.
1815 Catalogue, page 23. no. 25, as above, with the reading history.
BELKNAP, Jeremy.
The History of New-Hampshire. Volume I [-III]. Comprehending the Events of one complete Century from the Discovery of the River Pascataqua. [Volume II. Comprehending the events of seventy five years, from MDCCXV to MDCCXC. Illustrated by a Map. Volume III. Containing a Geographical Description of the State.] By Jeremy Belknap, A.M. Member of the American Philosophical Society . . . [Vol. I.] Philadelphia: Printed for the Author by Robert Aitken, 1784. [Vol. II.] Printed at Boston, for the Author, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1791. [vol. III.] Printed at Boston, for the author, by Belknap and Young, 1792.
F34 .B42

Volume I : page 244

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