Volume I : page 234

but his translator persuaded him the whole would be desired: that there was a general objection against purchasing a garbled work, & so he undertook to publish it complete. the consequence is that he loses by it, as he supposes about 2000 livres: and he desired me to represent this to you, & to tell you that he submits himself to you, whether he should be spared by you any thing out of the sum of 900. contracted for . . .
Ramsay accepted Jefferson’s offer on October 8: “. . . I thank you for your obliging contract respecting my book. My hopes on that subject have been so great that I must make use of the liberty you gave me to draw on Mr. Madison for 193 ⅓ dollars . . .”
In 1789 Froullé sent a statement to Monsieur de Jeferson which included:

1788. en Mars. Pour Payement fait a Mr. Ramsay 936 (livres).

1789. 7 Mai. Il reste en magazin des Revolutions d’amerique en anglois 2 vol. 8vo. 45. Ex [cette article attendra l’arrangement final avec M. Ramsay]
David Ramsay, 1749-1815, physician and historian, was a native of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette, 1757-1834, entered the American service as a major general in 1776. He was a friend of both Washington and Jefferson. He married a niece of Madame Noailles de Tessé.
Revolution de l’Amerique par Ramsay. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 25. no. 45, Revolution de l’Amerique par rapport à la Caroline Meridionale, par Ramsay, 2 v 8vo.
RAMSAY, David.
Histoire de la Révolution d’Amérique, par rapport à la Caroline Méridionale; Par M. David Ramsay, Membre du Congrès Américain; traduite de l’ Anglois. Ornée de cartes & de plans. Tome Premier [-Second]. [Translated by Lefort.] A Londres, et se trouve à Paris: chez Froullé. M. DCC. LXXXVII. [1787.]
E263 .S7 R21
First Edition of this translation. 2 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, 282 leaves, folded engraved plan; vol. II, 342 leaves, folded map and 3 plans by Picquet, Froullé’s advertisements on 4 pages at the end. In vol. I the Notes begin on page 181, and in vol. II on page 471.
Sabin 67692.
Quérard VII, 450.
Barbier II, 709.
Faÿ 23.
French red morocco, gilt backs, gilt line borders on sides, blue end papers, g.e. (many leaves unopened under the gilt). Probably a presentation binding from the publisher. Initialled by Jefferson at sigs. I and T in both volumes. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplates.
The details of the publication by Froullé of this translation were arranged by Jefferson on behalf of the author. For a complete account of the transaction, see the notes to the previous number. The name of the translator, Lefort, is not given in any of the correspondence.
A copy without price is listed on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue.
Ramsay’s history of the American revolution. 2. v. 8 vo. (given by the author).
1815 Catalogue, page 25. no. 44, as above, omitting given by the author.
RAMSAY, David.
The History of the American Revolution. By David Ramsay, M.D. In Two Volumes. Volume I [-II]. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by R. Aitken & Son. M. DCC. LXXXIX. [1789.]
E208 .R17

Volume I : page 234

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