Volume I : page 221

other intimate Friends, in America . . . New-York: Re-printed by James Rivington [ 1782].
E249 .D3
Sm. 8vo. in fours. 111 leaves; [ ] 6, [ ] 4, b-h 4, i 2, B-T 3 in fours; on e 1 the half-title for A Declaration of Independence published by the Congress at Philadelphia in 1776. With a Counter-Declaration published at New-York in 1781.
Sabin 19066.
Evans 17509.
Bound for Jefferson in calf, gilt line borders on sides, marbled end papers by John March, a joint repaired. Initialled by Jefferson ag sigs. I and T.
Jefferson’s opinion of Deane was expressed in a letter to Madison, written from Paris, August 28, 1789: “ Silas Deane is coming over to finish his days in America, not having one sol to subsist on elsewhere. he is a wretched monument of the consequences of a departure from right . . .
Silas Deane, 1737-1789, a member of the Continental Congress, was the first American to represent the United States abroad. He was sent to France in 1776, and again later with Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee. In time Deane lost confidence and wrote to his friends advising them to drop the war. These letters were intercepted and published in Rivington’s Royal Gazette in 1781, and reprinted by Rivington in book form in 1782.
Burgoyne’s state of his expedition from Canada. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 23. no. 52, as above.
A State of the Expedition from Canada as laid before the House of Commons, by Lieutenant-General Burgoyne, and verified by evidence; with a collection of authentic documents . . . Written and collected by himself, and dedicated to the officers of the army he commanded. The Second Edition. London: Printed for J. Almon. M DCCLXXX. [1780.]
E233 .B981
8vo. 157 leaves: A 6, B-N, A-G 7 in eights; 6 folded engraved maps including the frontispiece, 1 folded table; A 6 recto has the Advertisement concerning the engravings, verso blank; leaf N 5 is torn away.
Sabin 9255.
Gagnon 613.
Toronto Public Library, Bibliography of Canadiana, 503.
Old calf, pale blue endpapers. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Burgoyne’s state of his expedition from Canada. 8 vo. is listed on Jefferson’s undated catalogue without price, and is on an undated dealer’s manuscript list headed Note of American books purchased in London.
John Burgoyne, 1722-1792, general in the British army, was the leader of the disastrous campaign in North America in 1777, for which he was severely criticized in the Commons and in the press.
Narrative of Clinton & Cornwallis’s conduct in America. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 24. no. 53, as above.
Three tracts bound together in one volume, 8vo., sheepskin, later labels on the back lettered Colonial / Pamphlets. / Vol. 25.
E187 .C72 V. 25
i. CLINTON, Sir Henry.
The Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, K. B. relative to his Conduct during part of his Command of the King’s Troops in North America; Particularly to that which respects the unfortunate Issue of the Campaign in 1781. With an Appendix, containing Copies and Extracts of those Parts of his Correspondence with Lord George Germain, Earl Cornwallis, Rear Admiral Graves,

Volume I : page 221

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