Volume I : page 2

Chronologie de Manethon. par Potocki. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 4. no. 102, as above.
POTOCKI, Jan, Count.
Chronologie des Deux Premiers Livres de Manethon. Par le Comte Jean Potocki . . . Avec permission de la Censure. à St. Petersbourg: De l’Imprimerie de F. Drechsler, 1805.
DT83 .A2 M4
First Edition. 4to. 18 leaves, list of errata on the verso of the second leaf. One of 100 copies printed.
Quérard VII, page 296.
Estreicher XIX, page 505.
Jolowiez 3270.
Ibrahim-Hilmy II, page 133.
Original marbled boards, with the original paper label on the front cover. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Presentation copy from the author.
On August 10, 1806, Levett Harris wrote to Jefferson that he had sent: “. . . a work of the Count Potocky, namely l’histoire ancienne des provinces de l’Empire de Russie, with the cronologie de Manethon, which the author desired me to present to you in his name . . .”
The books had not arrived on March 28, 1807, when Jefferson wrote from Washington to Levett Harris, acknowledging the receipt of letters and parcels. The letter closes: “ to this I must add by anticipation my thanks . . . to Count Potocki for the two works from him, which you mention to have been sent by m(r~) A. Smith, and which, I doubt not will come safely to hand . . .
For the Histoire ancienne . . . de Russie, see no. 248.
Levett Harris was the United States Consul at St. Petersburg.
Principes de Chronologie anterieure aux Olympiades. par Potocki. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 6. no. 103, as above but with the reading anterieures.
POTOCKI, Jan, Count.
Principes de Chronologie, pour les Temps Antérieurs aux Olympiades. Par le Comte Jean Potocki . . . A St.-Petersbourg: De l’Imprimerie d’ Alexandre Pluchart et Comp., 1810.
DS61 .P86
First Edition. 4to. 45 leaves; text in double columns; the permission de la Censure on the back of the title, and list of the errata on the last leaf. One of 100 copies printed.
Quérard VII, page 296.
Estreicher, page 505.
Red straight grain morocco, gilt ornamental borders, marbled endpapers, g.e., flyleaf watermarked J. Whatman 1806. Probably a presentation binding. Signed by Jefferson at sig. I. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Presentation copy from the author.
On August 19, 1810, Count Potocki wrote from St. Petersburg to Jefferson: “Votre Excellence . . . ayant bien voulu témoigner de l’estime pour mes ouvrages je la prie de vouloir bien agreer le present exemplaire, qui contient toute ma doctrine chronologique. J’ai plusieurs renseignements à demander sur l’Amérique, et si votre Excellence vouloit entrer en correspondence avec moi, je la prierois de me faire parvenir sa réponse par le canal du consul Américain Levet harris . . .”
On June 1/13 of the same year Levett Harris had written from St. Petersburg: “. . . I likewise add a packet from Count John Potocky containing the commencement of a new & very interesting work he is now occupied with . . . I informed Count Potocky that the former copies of his Works which I sent you could not fail to have given you great satisfaction and I should feel much obliged by your confirming this in the next letter You honor me with. Count P. will receive such a communication from me, I can assure you with great pleasure . . .”

Volume I : page 2

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