Volume I : page 154

Historia della Grande Bretagna dal Leti. 5. v. 12 mo. 1060. A.C.-1649.
1815 Catalogue, page 18. no. 5, as above.
LETI, Gregorio.
Il Teatro Britannico o vero Historia della Grande Brettagna . . . Scritta da Gregorio Leti. Parte Prima [-Quinta] . . . Amsterdamo: Per Abramo Wolfgang, 1684.
DA615 .L64
5 parts. 12mo. Part I, 360 leaves; part II, 288 leaves; part III, 292 leaves; part IV, 292 leaves; part V, 316 leaves, the last two blanks; printer’s woodcut device on each title-page; the name of the dedicatee is on each title-page except the last.
Lowndes III, 1347.
Grose 217.
Van der Aa, XI, 368.
This edition not in the STC.
Listed on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 5/-.
Gregorio Leti, 1630-1701, Italian historian, was a native of Milan. He lived in London from 1680 to 1683, and was historiographer to King Charles II. This work was first published in London in 2 vol. 4to, 1683, but its publication gave offence to the English Catholics, and Leti was banished, fleeing to Holland, where he died in Amsterdam.
L d. Clarendon’s history of the rebellion. 6. v. 8 vo. 1625.-1660.
1815 Catalogue, page 19. no. 32, as above.
HYDE, Edward, earl of clarendon.
Ths History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in 1641 . . . and the happy conclusion thereof by the King’s blessed restoration in the year 1660 . . . Oxford: Printed at the Theatre, 1720.
3 vol. in 6. 8vo. No copy was seen for collation. Engraved portraits. This edition was issued in 3 volumes; Jefferson’s copy was evidently bound in 6.
This edition not in Lowndes.
This edition not in Wood-Bliss.
Edward Hyde, first Earl of Clarendon, 1609-1674. This book is one of the most valuable of all the contemporary accounts of the Civil War, and the manuscript was completed and revised by the author whilst in exile, where he passed the last few years of his life. The first edition was published in Oxford in 1702, 3, 4.
Ludlow’s memoirs. 3. vols. 8 vo. 1626.-1672.
1815 Catalogue, page 19. no. 33, as above.
LUDLOW, Edmund.
Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow, Esq; Lieutenant General of the Horse, Commander in Chief of the Forces in Ireland, One of the Council of State, and a Member of the Parliament which began on November 3, 1640. In Two Volumes. Vol. I.--Memoirs of Lieutenant General Ludlow. The Third and Last Part. With a Collection of Original Papers, serving to confirm and illustrate many important Passages of this and the preceding volumes. To which is added, a Table to the whole work. Switzerland, Printed at Vivay in the Canton of Bern [? London], 1698-9.
DA407 .L9

Volume I : page 154

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