Guerras de Flandes de Strada por de Novar.
7. v.
1815 Catalogue, page 10. no. 67, as above.
Guerras de Flandes. Primera decada, desde la muerte del Emperador Carlos V. hasta el principio del Govierno de Alexandro Farnese,
Tercero Duque de Parma y Placienca. Escriviòlas en
Latin el R. P. Famiano Estrada, de la Compañia de Jesus. Y las traduxò en
Romance el R. P. Melchor de Novar, de la misma Compañia. Nueva Edicion, enriquecida de lindissimas Estampas, en la qual se enmendaron essenciales Erratas.
Tomo I, Part. I [-Tomo III, Part II].
Amberes: por
Marcos-Miguel Bousquet y Compañia,
3 vol. in 7. 12mo. [vol. I.] Tomo I, Part. I, 272 leaves; [vol. II.] Tomo I, Part. II, 299 leaves; [vol. III.] Tomo II, Part.
I, 179 leaves; [vol. IV.] Tomo II, Part. II, 240 leaves; [vol. V.] Tomo II, Part. III, 258 leaves; [vol. VI.] Tomo III, Part
I, 217 leaves; [vol. VII.] Tomo III, Part. II, 225 leaves; vols. I, II, and III have engraved frontispieces and the titles
printed in red and black; numerous engraved portraits, folded plates.
This edition not in the Bibliotheca Belgica.
Backer VII, 1613, mentions this Spanish translation without specifying any edition.
Ordered by Jefferson from Paris on September 9, 1789, in a letter to
Lackington with a list of books from his last catalogue, “
to be packed very securely in a light box, 9876. Estrad’s history of the wars of Flande, Span. 7. v. 12
mo. £
Entered without the price, the last entry in chapter 2, in Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue.
Melchor de Novar, 1629-1707, Spanish jesuit. The first edition of his translation was published in Cologne in 1681. The
Bibliotheca Belgica (Nijhoff) no. 83 has an edition of 1749, 3 vol. 4to. by the same printer with a note that the book was probably printed in
Geneva or Lausanne, and not in Antwerp.
Strada. Histoire de la guerre de Flandres. traduit par Du Ryer,
2. v.
1815 Catalogue, page 11. no. 68, Histoire de la guerre de Flandre, par Strada, 2 v 12mo.
Histoire de la guerre de Flandre, de Famianus Strada, traduite par P. Du-Ryer . . . A
Anvers: chez la veuve de
Barthelemy Foppens,
3 vol. in 2.? 12mo. No copy of this edition was located for collation. The edition was issued in 3 volumes. Jefferson calls
for 2 vol. only in two manuscript catalogues.
Bibliotheca Belgica S 68.
Backer VII, 1615.
Entered in Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price
5 f 8.
Pierre du Ryer, 1606-1658, French poet and translator. The first edition of his translation of Strada’s work was published in 1644-49.
2. v.
1815 Catalogue, page 14. no. 171, Strada, Histoire de la guerre de Flandres, par du Ryer 2v fol.
Histoire de la Gverre de Flandre, escrite en
Latin par Famianvs Strada, de la Compagnie de Iesvs. Premiere [-Deuxiesme] Decade; mise en
François par P. Dv-Rier . . .
Troyes: chez
Nicolas Oudot, et se vendent à
Paris: chez
Avgvstin Covrbe,