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ment Maker to His Majesty, and Optician to the Prince of Wales. London: Printed by R. Hindmarsh, and sold by the Author, 1795.
QB42 .A2
8vo. Adams did not publish a book with the title Practical Astronomy as called for by Jefferson’s manuscript and the early printed catalogues of the Library of Congress. In the catalogues subsequent to that of 1831 the entry is changed to Introduction to Practical Astronomy, 8vo. London, 1795, which is the title of the fourth Essay in the Astronomical and Geographical Essays.
Jefferson bought an Introduction to Practical Astronomy from W. & S. Jones of London, billed to him on August 3, 1805, price 2/6. This was bound for him in April 1806, by John March, in calf, gilt, cost one dollar.
Jefferson bought another copy of this work from Dufief in Philadelphia in August 1815, after the sale of his books to Congress. His letter to Dufief asked for a copy of “ Adams’s Practical Astronomy, 8vo.” Dufief’s bill, sent on August 15th, with a covering letter mentioning this book, included “ Adam’s Geol and Astrol essays,” 3.50.
For a note on Adams, and other works by him, see the Index.
Etat des etoiles fixes de Ptolomée par Montignot. Gr. Fr. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 115, no. 28, as above.
MONTIGNOT, Henri, Abbé.
Etat des Etoiles fixes au second Siècle, par Claude Ptolomée, comparé á la position des memes étoiles en 1786, avec le texte Grec et la traduction françoise par M. l’abbé Montignot . . . Strasbourg: Libraire Académique, 1787.
4to. 100 leaves, plate; no copy was available for collation.
Quérard VI, 259.
This edition not in Lalande.
Houzeau page 72, no. 458.
Jefferson bought a copy from Froullé on January 27, 1789, price 10.0. broché. Entered without price in the undated manuscript catalogue.
In a letter to Joseph Willard from Paris on March 24, 1789, and giving him a list of the “ most remarkable publications we have had in France for a year or two past,” Jefferson wrote: “ . . . Montignot has given us the original Greek, & a French translation of the 7 th. book of Ptolemy’s great work, under the title of ‘Etat des etoiles fixes au second siecle.’ in 4 to. he has given the designation of the same stars by Flamstead & Beyer, and their position in the year 1786 . . .
Henri Montignot, Abbé, Canon of Toul, was a member of the Royal Society of Science and Belles Lettres at Nancy, his native city. The first edition of this work was published in Nancy in 1786.
Fixarum praecipuarum catalogus novus. auctore de Zach. 4 to. Gothae. 1792.
1815 Catalogue, page 115, no. 29, as above, but omitting auctore.
VON ZACH, Franz Xavier, Freiherr.
Fixarum Praecipuarum catalogus novus et observationibus astronomicis in specula astronomica Gothana annis 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. habitis et ad initium anni m. dcccc. constructus. Auctore Francisco de Zach. Gothae: in commissis apud C. G. Ettinger, 1792.
4to. 130 leaves, engraved frontispiece.
Not in Lalande.
Not in Houzeau.
Not in Sotheran.
Franz Xavier, Freiherr Von Zach, 1754-1832, Austrian astronomer, Director of Gotha Observatory, published numerous papers on astronomical and geographical subjects, and edited scientific papers of importance.

Volume IV : page 72

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