Volume IV : page 503

Gnomici poetae Graeci. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 146, no. 36. Gnomici Poetae Graeci, 12mo. a Brunck. Gr. Lat.--sc. Callimachus, Callenius, Cleanthes, Eratosthenes, Evenus, Hesiod, Linus, Menecrates, Metrodorus, Mimnermus, Naumachus, Panyacides, Phocylides, Pseudo-Phocylides, Posidippus, Pythagoras, Rhianus, Simonides, Solon, Theognis, Tyrtaeus, Comicorum Sententiae--sc. Alexis, Amphis, Anaxandrides, Antiphanes, Apollodorus, Clearchus, Cratetes, Diodorus, Diphilus, Eriphus, Eubulus, Hipparchus, Menander, Nicostratus, Pherecrates, Philemon, Philippides, Philippus, Posidippus, Sotades, Timocles, et Monostichi ex diversis Poetis.
BRUNCK, Richard François Philippe, Editor.
Ηθικη ποιησις sive Gnomici Poetæ Græci. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem emendavit Rich. Franc. Phil. Brunck. Argentorati in Bibliopolio Academico. mdcclxxxiv . [ Argentorati typis Joannis Henrici Heitz Academiæ Typographi. Die xxix. Martii mdcclxxxiv .] [1784.]
First Edition. 8vo. 179 leaves, Greek letter, Latin and French translations in roman, and Italian in italic letter; half-title for the Variae Lectiones, Notâe et Emendationes. Colophon on the last page.
Graesse III, 97.
Ebert 8629.
The collection contains Theognis, Callinus of Ephesus, Tyrtæus, Mimnermus, Solonos, Phocylides of Miletus, Simonides, Pythagoras, Hesiod, and others, with translations into Latin by Hugo Grotius; Cleanthis Hymnus ad Jovem, with a Latin translation by James Duport, French by De Bougainville, and Italian by Giralamo Pompei.
Jefferson mentioned the Hymn to Jupiter of Cleanthes of which the translation into French was made by James Duport in the same letter to John Adams (October 12, 1813) in which he quoted from Duport’s Greek translation of the 18th Psalm (see no. 4399): “ . . . I acknolege all the merit of the hymn of Cleanthes to Jupiter which you ascribe to it. it is as highly sublime as a chaste & correct imagination can permit itself to go. yet in the contemplation of a being so superlative, the hyperbolic flights of the Psalmist may often be followed with approbation, even with rapture, and I have no hesitation in giving him the palm over all the Hymnists of every language and of every time . . .
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 5.15.
For other works by Hugh [ sic -- Ed. ] Grotius, James Duport and Jean Pierre Bougainville, see the Index.
Catonis Disticha by Stirling. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 145, unnumbered [Catonis Disticha, by Sterling, 12mo] C. 16, § 1. No. 9.
For this book, see no. 1330.
It is entered in this chapter by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 9d.
Carmina Quadragesimalia. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 145, no. 37, as above.
Carmina Quadragesimalia ab Ædis Christi Oxon. Alumnis Composita et ab ejusdem Ædis Baccalaureis Determinantibus in Schola Naturalis Philosophiæ Publice Recitata. Editio Altera. Londini: Impensis C. Bathurst, ex adversum S. Dunstani, in Vico vulgo dicto Fleetstreet, mdccxli . [1741.]

Volume IV : page 503

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