Volume IV : page 501

2 vol. 12mo. A copy was not located for collation. Latin and French texts, and notes at the end.
Graesse IV, 290.
Quérard V, 390.
Jefferson mentioned La Grange’s translation in a letter to N.G. Dufief, dated from Washington April 10, 1802: “ I recieved yesterday your favor of the 6 th. and the books forward by m ( ~ r) Duane. La Grange’s translations are new to me. and I am so much pleased with that of his Seneca, that I will thank you to forward me also his Lucretius with the Latin text . . .
Dufief replied from Philadelphia on April 14: “Vous recevrez sous peu de jours un second exemplaire de l’élegante traduction des Oeuvres de Senèque, (prix 9 dollars les 6 volumes brochés) & le Lucrèce Latin Français . . .”
Four years later, on January 20, 1806, Jefferson ordered a number of books from Reibelt of Baltimore, including “ Lucrece de la Grange” (and “ Seneque du meme”). These two books are also in an undated list written by Jefferson, headed books to be imported for me by M. Reibelt.
The books appear in the bill presented by Dufour of Amsterdam to T.H. Backer, “ pour Monsieur le President Jefferson,” under the date 16 Juin, 1806:

Lucréce traduction de La Grange 2 vol. 8 o reliés 7 10

" Seneque traductio du meme 7 vol. 12 o reliés 14
For La Grange’s edition of Seneca, mentioned in the above cor[r]espondence, see no. 1324.
N. La Grange, 1738-1775, was associated with the Encyclopédistes.
Lucrezio del Caro. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 146, no. 32, as above.
This entry is repeated in the Library of Congress catalogue of 1815 as above, and, in the contemporary working copy, is marked missing. The title is included in the manuscript list of books missing from the Library of Congress made at a later date, and is omitted from the subsequent printed catalogues. The book was probably not delivered to Congress.
Lucretius. 12 mo. Baskerville
1815 Catalogue, page 146, no. 30.
Titi Lucretii Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex. Birminghamiae: Typis Johannis Baskerville. mdcclxxiii . [1773.]
12mo. 110 leaves including 2 blanks; roman letter with passages in Greek on 2 leaves.
Graesse IV, 280.
Ebert 12459.
Dibdin II, 203.
Baskerville Club Handlist, no. 74.
This is the second edition printed by John Baskerville, who had printed an edition in quarto in the previous year, 1772.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 3/-.
Esiode, Orfeo, Proclo. Gr. Lat. Ital. dal Salvini 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 446, [ i.e. “146”-- Ed.] no. 53, Hesiodus, Orpheus, Proclus, Gr. Lat. Ital. Salvini, 8vo.
‛Ησιόδου ’Ασκριου τα ε(υ’)ρισκόμενα, ’Ορφεως κα(`ι) Πρόκλου Φιλοσόφου ‛υμνοι. Hesiodi Ascræi quæ extant, Orphei, & Procli philosophi Hymni. Omnia ab Antonio Maria Salvini in Italam linguam translata, cum brevissimis annotationibus ex probatissimis auctoribus excerptis. Accedit Pasoris Index Vocabula singula Hesiodi complec-

Volume IV : page 501

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