Volume IV : page 499

Chapter XXXVI


Lucretius. Fayi in usum Delph. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 146, no. 63, Lucretius, Delphini, 4to.
Titi Lucretii Cari De Rerum Natura Libros sex, interpretatione et notis illustravit Michael Fayus . . . jussu christianissimi regis in usum serenissimi Delphini. Paris: apud Federicum Leonard, m. dc. lxxx . [1680.]
First Delphin Edition. 4to. 372 leaves, Index at the end; a copy was not available for examination, [punct. sic-- Ed.] The above title is from the card of the University of Michigan Library.
Graesse IV, 288.
Ebert 12446.
Titus Lucretius Carus, Latin didactic poet, lived during the first century before Christ.
Michael Du Fay, French classical scholar, was the editor of one or two of the Delphin editions. For a note on these editions, see no. 52.
Lucretius. Lond. Tonson 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 146, no. 64, Lucretius, Tonson, Lond. 4to.
Titi Lucretii Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex. Ad optimorum Exemplarium fidem recensiti. Accesserunt Variæ Lectiones, quæ in Libris MSS. & Eruditorum Commentariis notatu digniores occurrunt. Londini: Sumptibus & Typis Jacobi Tonson, mdcc xii . [1712.]
PA6482 .A2 1712
4to. 209 leaves, frontispiece and plates by L. Du Guernier, engraved initials, head-pieces and culs-de-lampe. At the end, in triple columns, a list of Variæ Lectiones in Lucretii.
Graesse IV, 280.
Ebert 12450.
Dibdin II, 202.
Jacob Tonson, 1656?-1736, English publisher, was also the editor of this edition, founded chiefly on the text of Thomas Creech (published in 1695), as explained at the end by Tonson in his address: “Lectori Candido: . . . Textum ideo Creechii utpote Lambino & Fabro quammaximè consentientem, Tibi fideliter, duobus, tribusve ad plurimum, locis exceptis, præbeo . . .”
Lucretius. Foul. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 146, no. 56, as above.
Titi Lucretii Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex. Ex Editione Thomae Creech . . . Glasguae: In Aedibus Academicis Excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis Academiae Typographi mdcclix . [1759.]
4to. 144 leaves including the half-title.
Graesse IV, 280.
Ebert 12456.
Thomas Creech, 1659-1700, English classical scholar, first published his edition of Lucretius in 1682. The first edition published by Robert and Andrew Foulis was in 1749, 12mo.

Volume IV : page 499

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