Ocios del Conde de Rebolleda.
4. v.
p 8
1815 Catalogue, page 142, no. 22, as above, but omitting
Bernardino de.
Ocios del Conde Don Bernardino de Rebolledo, Señor de Irian. Tomo Primero. Parte Primera [-Parte Segunda] de sus Obras Poeticas. [-Selva Militar y Politica . . . Tomo Segundo.
Tercera Edicion.--Selva Sagrada, o Rimas Sacras . . . Tomo Tercero. Dedicado a la Magestad de Felipe Quarto.
Tercera Edicion.] Con Licencia.
Madrid: En la Imprenta de D.
Antonio de Sancha, Año de
1778. Se hallará en su casa, en la Aduana vieja.
PQ6425 .R3 1778
3 vol. in 4, 8vo. Vol. I, part I, 224 leaves, engraved portrait frontispiece by Moreno Fejada; Part II, 196 leaves, with separate title, continuous signatures and pagination; Vol. II, 209 leaves; Vol. III, 241 leaves,
the last for the erratas in all the volumes, engraved portrait frontispiece of Philip IV, by Tejada after Ant. Carnicero, engraved portrait of Christina of Sweden by F. S. after Carnicero before the half-title: La Constancia Victoriosa, y los Trenos, Egloga y Elegias Sacras del Conde Don Bernardino de Rebolledo, a la Serenisima Reyna Cristina de Suecia.
Palau VI, 220.
Graesse VI, 43.
Ebert 18702.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, without price.
Conde Bernardino de Rebolledo, 1597-1676, Spanish soldier and poet, took part in a large number of military campaigns. In 1649 he was appointed ambassador
to Denmark by the King of Spain, and in 1661 he became President of the Council of War in Castille. The
Ocios were first published in Antwerp by the Plantin press in 1650.
La Constancia Victoriosa is a paraphrase in verse of the Book of Job and of the Lamentations of Jeremiah.
Obras poeticas de De la Huerta.
2. v.
1815 Catalogue, page 142, no. 23, as above.
Obras Poeticas de Don Vicente Garcia de la Huerta. Oficial Primero de la Real Bibliotheca, &c. &c. Publicalas Don
Antonio de Sancha. Tomo I. [-II]. Con Licencia. En
Madrid: Año
m. dcc. lxxviii. [-ix]
. Se hallará en su Libreria en la Aduana vieja. [1778, 1779.]
PQ6523 .G27 A17
First Edition. 2 vol. 8vo. 166 and 171 leaves, engraved portrait frontispiece by F
s S
a after Isid
s Carnizero ad Vivum, engraved frontispiece to the text.
Palau III, 312.
Graesse III, 383.
Entered by Jefferson without price in his undated manuscript catalogue.
Vincente Garcia de la Huerta, 1734-1787, Spanish dramatist and poet, was for a time chief of the National Library at Madrid.
Romances de Germania. de Quevado.
p. 8
1815 Catalogue, page 143, no. 24, as above, but omitting
Romances de Germania de Varios Autores, con el Vocabulario por la Orden del a.b.c. para declaracion de sus términos y lengua.
Compuesto por Juan Hidalgo: El Discurso de la Expulsion de los Gitanos, que escribió el Doctor Don Sancho de Moncada, Catedratico de Sagrada Escritura
en la Universidad de Toledo, y los Romances de la Germania que escribió Don Francisco de Quevedo. Con