Volume IV : page 414

insuper in hoc Volumine, I. Præfatio de Hâc Editione. II. Libelli Herodoti & Plutarchi de Homero, cum Stephani Notis, &c. III. Iliadis Nova Interpretatio Latina. IV. Iliadis ’Επιγραφαι. V. Variæ Lectiones è Marginibus Edit. Stephani. VI. Ejusdem Annotationes. VII. Var. Lect. & Emendationes Scholiorum, unà cum Additamentis ex Excerptis Mss. & Scholiorum Supposititiorum Elencho . . . Cantabrigiæ: Ex Officina Joann. Hayes, Celeberrimæ Academiæ Typographi, 1689. Vendit Ed. Brewster, in Cœmeterio D. Pauli sub Insigni Gruis. Londini.
4to. 416 leaves, Greek and Latin text in parallel columns, annotations in double columns in the lower margins; at the end Variæ Lectiones omnes, quas Henricus Stephanus apposuit Marginibus Homeri à se editi An. 1566, and Ujusden Henrici Stephani Annotationes in suam Homeri Editionem.
STC 2545.
Graesse III, 330.
Dibdin II, 65.
Bowes 187.
Didymus Chalcenterus, c. 65 B.C.-A.D. 10, Greek scholar and grammarian, lived and taught in Alexandria and in Rome.
For Henricus Stephanus (Henri Estienne), see the Index.
Homeri Ilias. Gr. Lat. Foul. cum scholiis. Didymi 5 vols. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 135, no. 1. Homeri Ilias, Gr. Lat. Foulis, cum Scholiis Didymi, 5 v 12mo.

1839 Catalogue, page 580, no. 3. Ilias; Gr. et Lat., cum Scholiis Didymi, 4 v. 12mo; Argent. 1539, et Glasguae, 1778.
Η του ‛Ομήρου ’Ιλιάς. Homeri Ilias. Vol. I. [-IV.] . . . Glasguae: Excudebat Andreas Foulis, m dcc lxxviii .--[Didymus Chalcenterus] Ομήρου Εξηγητης Homeri Interpres. Cvm Indice locupletissimo. Argentorati per Vuendelinum Rihelium. Mense Septembri. Anno. m. d. xxxix . [1778, 1539.]
Together 5 vol. sm. 8vo. From Jefferson’s manuscript and the Library of Congress printed catalogues, it would seem that these books, containing the text of the Iliad in Greek and in Latin, and the Scholia, were classed together by Jefferson himself. The Glasgow edition is in 4 vol., Greek text followed by the Latin translation, with separate signatures and pagination. The first volume is marked missing in the contemporary working copy of the Library of Congress 1815 Catalogue, is entered in the manuscript list of missing books made at a later date, and is omitted from the later catalogues. The Scholia is in 1 vol., 3 parts, with separate titles, signatures and pagination, text printed in italic letter, woodcut device on the first two titles and at the end. A copy was not available for examination. It is possible that Jefferson separated the first part containing the Scholia on the Iliad from the rest of the work. See no. 4268.
Jefferson mentioned the Glasgow edition in a letter to N. G. Dufief dated from Washington, February 19, 1802: “ . . . I have an edition of Homer’s Iliad, Gr. & Lat. 12 mo. printed by the Foulis in Glasgow and should be very glad to get their corresponding edition of the Odyssy. if you have it, or can procure it in Philadelphia, I shall be obliged to you for it: . . .
Dufief replied from Philadelphia on March 4: “. . . Je me suis ensuite occupé à chercher l’edition de l’Odyssée que vous souhaitez. Il paroit que c’est un ouvrage rare du moins à Philad a puisque plusieurs jours d’une recherche active se sont écoulés sans pouvoir en découvrir un seul exemplaire--Si, une tres belle Ed on du même ouvrage par le Foulis, en 2V s in folio, pouvoit vous convenir an defaut de l’autre ”

Volume IV : page 414

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