Volume IV : page 399

Peintre parfait, et des Traitez des Desseins, des Estampes, et de la Connaissance des Tableaux et du Goût des Nations. Amsterdam: E. Roger, 1706.
5 vol. 12mo. Engraved title-page; no copy of this edition was available for examination.
Quérard III, 85.
Graesse II, 561.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 9.0.
André Félibien, sieur des Avaux and de Javercy, 1619-1695, was born in Chartres and studied in Paris, where he became the friend and pupil of Nicolas Poussin. In 1647 he went to Rome as secretary to the embassy of the Marquis de Fontenay-Mareuil, and while there studied painting and architecture. On his return to France he received a number of appointments, including that of historiographer to the King, and secretary of the Académie Royale d’Architecture, established in 1671. The first edition of this work, without the additional matter, was published in Paris in 1666.
Description de l’Academie de peinture et de Sculpture par Guerin 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 131, no. 7, as above, but reading Guerini.
GUERIN, Nicolas.
Description de l’Academie Royale des Arts de Peinture et de Sculpture. Par feu M. Guerin, Secretaire perpetuel de ladite Academie. A Paris: chez Jacques Collombat, imprimeur ordinaire du Roy, & de l’Academie Royale de Peinture & de Sculpture, m. dcc. xv . Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. [1715.]
First Edition. 12mo. 138 leaves, 7 folded plates of plans, engraved headpiece by B. Audran after A. Coypel, engraved arms of the Duc D’Antin at the head of the dedication.
Quérard III, 507.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue with the price 3.0.
The dedication to the Duc D’Antin is signed Guerin and begins: “En donnant cette Description au Public, elle ne luy faisoit connoître que c’est par votre bonté & votre mediation qu’elle a obtenu du Roy l’Appartement dans son Louvre, où sont placez les Ouvrages de Peinture & de Sculpture qui en font le sujet . . .”

Volume IV : page 399

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