Volume IV : page 369

the text, several signed by G. King and dated 1726 or 1727; list of subscribers on b 2; quotations from Pliny have the Latin text and the English translation in parallel columns.
Lowndes I, 386.
Kimball, page 92.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 9/-, and therefore probably bought in England.
Robert Castell, fl. 1728, English architect, dedicated this work to the Earl of Burlington.
Ritratto de Roma Antiqua. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 130, no. 1, as above.
ROSSI, Filippo de.
Ritratto di Roma Antica, nel qvale sono figvrati i principali Tempij, Theatri, Anfiteatri, Cerchi, Naumachie, Archi Trionfali, Curie, Basiliche, Colonne, Ordine del Trionfo, Dignità Militari, e Ciuili, Riti, Cerimonie, & altre cose notabili. Aggiuntoui di nuouo le Vite, & Effigie de’ primi Re di essa, e le Grandezze dell’ Imperio Romano; con l’Esplicationi Istoriche de’ più celebri Antiquarij. In Roma: Appresso Filippo de’ Rossi. m. dc. liv . Con licenza de’ Superiori. [1654.]
DG62.5 .R6 1654
8vo. 216 leaves, engraved title-page dated 1655, numerous engravings and woodcut illustrations in the text, colophon on the last page, poems by Girolamo Preti and Ottavio Tronsarelli at the end.
Not in Brunet.
Not in Graesse.
Kimball, page 99: “(. . . Roma. 1645.). The Library of Congress catalogue of 1840 gives 1654 for Jefferson’s copy, but this seems to be a misprint.”
Old calf, not initialled by Jefferson, with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 2.0.
Filippo de Rossi, f[l]. 1654, Italian architect.
Ritratto di Roma moderna. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 130, no. 2, as above.
ROSSI, Filippo de.
Ritratto di Roma Moderna, nel qvale sono effigiati Chiese, Corpi Santi, Reliquie, Indulgenze, Monasterij, Hospedali, Oratorij, Compagnie de’ Secolari, Collegij, Seminarij, Palazzi, Fabbriche, Architetture, Pitture, Scolture, Librarie, Musei, Giardini, Fontane, e Ville sì dentro la Città, come fuori. Pontefici, Cardinali, e Principi, che l’hanno illustrata, & altre cose notabili. Distinto in sei giornate da diuersi Autori, con le Dichiarationi Historiche di quanto in’ esso si contiene in questa nuoua Editione accresciuto, e migliorato in molti luoghi. In Roma: appreso Filippo de’ Rossi, mdclii . Con licenza de’ Superiori. [1652.]
DG62.5 .R65
8vo. 296 leaves, numerous engravings and woodcut illustrations in the text, engraved title-page.
Not in Brunet.
Not in Graesse.
Kimball, page 99.
Old calf, r.e., not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 2.0.

Volume IV : page 369

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