Volume IV : page 363

4to. 60 leaves, including an engraved frontispiece with title and portrait, 2 plates in the text, 5 folded plates, 40 numbered and 7 unnumbered full-page plates; on sig. D begins John Brown’s Description and Use of an Ordinary Joynt-Rule, with caption title and a folded illustration; on sig. G, after the numbered plates, begins The Ground-Rules of Architecture, Collected from the best Authors and Examples, by that Learned and Ingenious, Gentleman Sir Henry Wotton, in his Elements of Architecture. Now Corrected for Publick Benefit, with caption title; on Sig. I is the title for Architectionice: or, A Compendium of the Art of Building . . . By William Leyburn, with imprint. The engraved title reads: The Booke of Architecture by Vincent Scamozzi M r. Builder of Venice. With Very large Additions by other hands. Printed for J and B. Sprint.
Not in Graesse.
This edition not in R.I.B.A. Catalogue.
This edition not in the Avery Memorial Library Catalogue.
Kimball, page 99.
Dr. Kimball suggests that Jefferson may have bought his copy at the sale of the library of William Byrd of Westover in 1778.
For a note on Scamozzi, see no. 4178.
Sir Henry Wotton, 1568-1639, English diplomat and poet, first published his Elements of Architecture in 1624. This edition of his work was attached to the English editions from 1676.
William Leybourn, 1626-1700?, English mathematician. His name as editor was first attached to the fourth edition in English of Scamozzi’s work, published in 1700.
Architecture de Le Clerc. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 129, no. 15, as above.
LE CLERC, Sebastien.
Traité d’Architecture avec des Remarques et des Observations tres-utiles pour les Jeunes Gens, qui veulent s’appliquer à ce bel Art. Par Seb. le Clerc, Chevalier Romain, D. & G. O. du C. du Roy. [-Traité d’Architecture Second Volume contenant les Figures.] A Paris: chez Pierre Giffart, Libraire & Graveur du Roy, mdccxiv . Avec Approbation et Privilege de Sa Majesté. [1714.]
NA2515 .L46
First Edition. 4to. 102 leaves of text, engraved title and half-title for the plates, 181 engraved numbered full-page plates.
Brunet III, 915.
Graesse IV, 137.
Kimball, page 96.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 21.0.
Sebastien Le Clerc, 1657-1714, French designer and engraver, held important positions, including that of professor of perspective at the Académie Royale de Peinture. He engraved the plates for a number of books, and was himself the author of works on design, architecture and geometry. See the Index.
Palladio. les 4. livres d’architecture par De Chambray. }

Perrault’s five orders of Architecture by James. } fol.

De Lorme. Invention pour batir les couvertures courbes. }
1815 Catalogue, page 130, no. 28, as above.
Jefferson either bought these books at the same time when in France, or had them bound together himself. They are listed bracketed together by him and in the 1815 Library of Congress Catalogue. In his undated manuscript catalogue, they are bracketed under the one price, 60.

i. PALLADIO, Andrea.
Les Qvatre Livres de l’Architectvre d’André Palladio. Mis en François. Dans lesqvels, aprés vn petit Traitté des cinq Ordres, auec quelquesvnes des plus necessaires Obseruations pour vien bastir, il parle de la Construction des Maisons

Volume IV : page 363

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