Volume IV : page 359

Palladio by Leoni with Inigo Jones’s notes. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 130, no. 26, as above.
The Architecture of A. Palladio; in four Books. Containing a short Treatise of the Five Orders, and the most necessary Observations concerning all sorts of Building: as also the different Construction of Private and Publick Houses, Highways, Bridges, Market-places, Xystes, and Temples, with their Plans, Sections, and Uprights. Revis’d, Design’d, and Publish’d by Giacomo Leoni, a Venetian, Architect to His Most Serene Highness, the Late Elector Palatine. Translated from the Italian Original. The Third Edition, corrected. With Notes and Remarks of Inigo Jones: now first taken from his Original Manuscript in Worcester College Library, Oxford. And also, an Appendix, containing the Antiquities of Rome. Written by A. Palladio. And a Discourse of the Fires of the Ancients. Never before Translated. In Two Volumes. London: Printed for A. Ward; S. Birt; D. Browne; C. Davis; T. Osborne; and A. Millar, m. dcc. xlii . [1742.]
NA2517 .P3
Folio. 2 vol. in 1, separate title-page for each part, followed by descriptive text and plates; engraved portrait and frontispiece by B. Picart, architectural plates by Picart, Vander Gucht, Cole, Harris and others.
This edition not in Graesse.
Kimball, page 97.
This work, a large folio, was issued in two volumes. Jefferson’s copy appears to have been bound in 1 volume. Neither his manuscript entry nor the Library of Congress 1815 Catalogue calls for more than one volume, and the later catalogues definitely state 2 vol. in 1.
According to Dr. Kimball, Jefferson had access to a copy of this work at a very early date, before the Shadwell fire in 1770. See his work, page 119. For the first edition of this book and the notes, see the next entry.
Palladio by Leoni. Ital. Fr. and Eng. 2. v. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 130, no. 27, as above.
The Architecture of A. Palladio; in Four Books. Containing, a short Treatise of the Five Orders, and the most necessary Observations concerning all Sorts of Buildings, as also the different Construction of Private and Publick Houses, Highways, Bridges, Market-Places, Xystes, and Temples, with their Plans, Sections, and Uprights. To which are added several Notes and Observations made by Inigo Jones, never printed before. Revis’d, Design’d, and Publish’d by Giacomo Leoni, a Venetian; Architect to his most Serene Highness, the Elector Palatine. Translated from the Italian Original. London: Printed by John Watts, for the Author, mdccxv .-- L’Architecture de A. Palladio, divisée en quatre livres . . .--L’Architettura di A. Palladio, divisa in quattro libri . . . [1715.]
Folio. 4 parts bound in 2 vol., English, French and Italian text in each volume, with title-pages; the title of each volume differs according to the Contents of the volume. Book I, 33 leaves ( English), 20 leaves ( French)[,] 17 leaves ( Italian), engraved portrait frontispiece by B. Picart after Paulus Caliary, engraved frontispiece by B. Picart after Sebastianus Rivius, XLIII engraved numbered plates by Van der Gucht, of which plates I to VII are in the text, plates VIII to XLIII full page at the end of the book, the plates in the text in the English

Volume IV : page 359

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