Volume IV : page 353

map of Mexico, was in the pyratical spirit of his country. but I should be sincerely sorry if our Pike has made an ungenerous use of your candid communications here; and the more so as he died in the arms of victory gained over the enemies of his country. whatever he did was on a principle of enlarging knolege and not for filthy shillings and pence of which he made none from that book. if what he has borrowed has any effect, it will be to excite an appeal in his readers from his defective information to the copious volumes of it with which you have enriched the world. I am sorry he omitted even to acknolege the source of his information. it has been an oversight, and not at all in the spirit of his generous nature. let me sollicit your forgiveness then of a deceased hero, of an honest and zealous patriot, who lived and died for his country . . .
Henry Dearborn, 1751-1829, general of militia, Secretary of War, and Congressman from Massachusetts. His third wife was Sarah Bowdoin, the widow of James Bowdoin, q.v.
Not in the Manuscript Catalogue.
1815 Catalogue, page, 126, no. 228, The Navigation of St. Domingo, Puysegur, 8vo.
PUYSÉGUR, Antoine Hyacinthe Anne de Chastenet, comte de.
A Treatise upon the Navigation of St. Domingo: with Sailing Directions, for the whole extent of its Coasts, Channels, Bays and Harbours. (Undertaken by Order of the King.) By M. De Chastenet Puysegur. Translated from the French by Charles de Monmonier. Baltimore: printed for the Translator, by W. Pechin, 1802.
VK973 .H2 P9
First Edition of this translation. 8vo. 60 leaves, the last 2 blank. The work ends on the recto of O 2, page 103, verso blank; on O 3 is the half-title for Particular Directions for the Drawing of a Chart of Gonaives; added to the Work, entitled, Le Pilote of St. Domingo; by Mr. de Lieude de Sepmanville, Elve [sic] of the Marine of the First Class; list of subscribers on the last preliminary leaf.
Sabin 66858.
Bissainthe 7516.
Antoine Hyacinthe Anne de Chastenet, comte de Puységur, 1752-1809, joined the marines at an early age. Some years later he was ordered by the Maréchal de Castres, to map the seas and channels of St. Domingo. This work was first published in French in 1787.
Lieude François Cyprien Antoine, Baron de Sepmanville, 1762-1817, French scholar and marine. After having been appointed in 1784 to continue the astronomical work of Captain Cook in Terre-Haut, he was made lieutenant of the ship and in 1787 made a survey of La Gonaive, fixing its position relative to St. Domingo. His pamphlet on this subject was attached to the first edition of Puységur’s work, published in Paris in 1787.
William Pechin, the printer of this Baltimore edition and the editor of the Baltimore American , is of peculiar Jefferson interest. He printed a pirated edition of Jefferson’s Notes on Virginia in 1800, and he was the printer of the copy of of Jefferson’s inaugural address, March 4, 1801, printed on silk and now in the Library of Congress.
Not in the Manuscript Catalogue.
1815 Catalogue, page 126, no. 75, Scott’s Geography of Maryland and Virginia, 12mo.
SCOTT, Joseph.
A Geographical Description of the States of Maryland and Delaware; also of the Counties, Towns, Rivers, Bays and Islands. With a List of the Hundreds, in each County. By Joseph Scott, Author of the United States Gazetteer, the Modern Geographical Dictionary, a Geographical Description of Pennsylvania, The Elements of Geography for the Use of Schools, &c. &c. Philadelphia: printed by Kimber, Conrad, and Co., 1807.

Volume IV : page 353

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