Volume IV : page 288

Histoire de la Jamaique. trad. de l’ Anglois. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 124, no. 110, as above, but reading trad. de Anglois.
[LESLIE, Charles.]
Histoire de la Jamaïque, Traduite de l’ Anglois. Par M.***, ancien Officier de Dragons. Premiere [-Second] Partie. A Londres: chez Nourse, m. dcc. li . [1751.]
F1884 .L645
First Edition of this translation. 2 parts in 1, 12mo. 146 and 124 leaves, separate title, signatures and pagination for the second part, though the title falls on the last leaf (M 12) of the first part, 6 numbered folded engraved plates (5 on subjects of natural history) by N. B. de Poilly.
Barbier II, 700 (by Sir Hans Sloane).
Quérard IX, 191 (under Sir Hans Sloane).
Sabin 82167 and 35585, one entry anonymous, the other under Sir Hans Sloane.
Boucher de la Richarderie VI, 186 (anon.).
Cundall, Bibliotheca Jamaicensis 3.
Entered by Jefferson on his undated manuscript catalogue with the price 3.0.
Charles Leslie, fl. 1740, Scots writer. This work is a translation into French of the New and Exact Account of Jamaica , first published anonymously in Edinburgh, 1739, and ascribed to Leslie as the signer of the dedication to the Earl of Eglington. With regard to the French translation, Frank Cundall, op. cit. writes: “The translator suppressed both his own name and that of Leslie, but he was probably not acquainted with the latter as it nowhere appears in the London editions of 1740. Indeed Bridges considers it as a piracy; and it is not mentioned by either Lowndes or Allibone. If it is a piracy, it is a most imprudent one. The alterations from the Edinburgh edition are very slight; in the “New History” a new Letter X is inserted, which is a copy of the appendix of the third Edinburgh edition; and the old Letter X becomes XI and so on till the end: and the size of the book is larger . . .”
Joseph Raulin, 1708-1784, French doctor, and the author of a number of books on medicine, is usually supposed to be the translator of this edition.
Description de S t. Domingue par Moreau de S t. Mery. 2. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 122, no. 259, as above.
MOREAU DE SAINT-MÉRY, Médéric Louis Élie.
Description Topographique, Physique, Civile, Politique et Historique de la Partie Française de l’Isle Saint-Domingue. Avec des Observations générales sur sa Population, sur le Caractère & les Mœurs de ses divers Habitans; sur son Climat, sa Culture, ses Productions, son Administration, &c. &c. Accompagnées des détails les plus propres à faire connaître l’état de cette Colonie à l’époque du 18 Octobre 1789; et d’une nouvelle Carte de la totalité de l’Isle. Par M. L. E. Moreau de Saint-Méry. Tome Premier. [-Second.] Comprenant, outre les objets généraux, la Description des vingt & une Paroisses de la Partie du Nord & de l’Isle la Tortue . . . A Philadelphie: et s’y trouve chez l’Auteur; A Paris: chez Dupont; A Hambourg: chez les principaux Libraires, 1797 [-98.]
F1901 .M84

Volume IV : page 288

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