allanamiento, y castigo, que hizo el Presidente Gasca, de Gonçalo Piçarro y sus sequaces. La Segvnda, contiene, la Tyrannia
y alçamiento delos Contreras, y don Sebastiã de Castilla, y de Francisco Hernãdez Giron: con otros muchos acaescimientos y
successos. Dirigido à la C. R. M. del Rey Don Philippe nuestro Señor. Con Preuilegio Real de Castilla, y Aragon, y delas Indias. Fue impresso en
Seuilla en Casa de
Hernando diaz,
] Año de
F3442 .F35
First Edition. Folio. 2 parts in 1, 143 and 130 leaves, text printed in double columns, woodcut royal arms on the general title
and on the title for each part, colophon at the end of each part.
Sabin 24133.
Palau III, 197.
Medina I, 214.
Antonio I, 283.
Salvá II, 3317.
John Carter Brown 282.
A copy was purchased by Jefferson from
Froullé in Paris on April 17, 1789, price
24. The date 1771 on Froullé’s bill was an error.
Diego Fernández, Spanish historian and adventurer of the 16th century, was born in Spain but embarked for Peru about 1545. This narrative
was written in his capacity of chronicler of Peru, an office bestowed upon him by Andres Hurtado de Mendoza, the viceroy of
Peru. The work was dedicated to the King, Philip II, and was published in Spain, but was ordered by the Royal Council of the
Indies to be destroyed immediately after publication. The order was revoked in 1729, but reissued in 1731. For an account
of the author, see Prescott’s
History of the Conquest of Peru.
Augustin de.
Historia del Descvbrimiento y Conqvista de las Provincias del Peru, y delos successos que enella ha auido, desde que se conquistò,
hasta que el Licenciado de la Gasca Obispo de Siguença boluio a estos rey nos: y delas cosas naturales que en la dicha prouincia
se hallan dignas de memoria. La qual escreuia Augustin de Çarate, Contador de mercedes de su Magestad, siendo Contador general de cuentas en aquella prouincia, y enla de Tierrafirme. Imprimiose
el año de cincuenta y cinco enla villa de Anuers por mandado dela Magestad del Rey nuestro señor, y con licencia dela Magestad
Cæsarea, y agora se torna a imprimir con licencia dela Magestad Real, auiendose visto y examinado por los señores del suppremo
Consejo de Castilla, como parece por la real cedula que esta enla segunda hoja deste libro.
Sevilla: en casa de
Alonso Escriuano. Año de
m. d. lxxvii
. Con Privilegio. [1577.]
F3442 .Z31
Folio. 120 leaves, text printed in double columns, woodcut royal arms of Spain on the title.
Sabin 106270.
Palau VII, 250.
Medina I, 412.
Antonio I, 179.
Winsor II, 567.
Salvá II, 3425.
This edition not in Field.
John Carter Brown 316.
Augustin de Zárate, c. 1492-c. 1560, Spanish historian, held for fifteen years the office of Comptroller of Accounts for Castile. He was then
sent to Peru as treasurer-general, with Blasco Nuñez de Vela, the first viceroy. While residing in Lima, Zarate collected
notes and materials for his history, which he wrote on his return to Spain after the fall of Pizarro, and which covers the
period from the discovery of Pizarro to the departure of Gasca. The first edition was published in Antwerp in 1555, after
which many other editions appeared, and the work was translated into French, English, German, Portuguese and Italian.
The entries for this book and the work of Fernandez were bracketed together by Jefferson in both his dated and undated manuscript catalogue and in the Library of Congress catalogue of 1815, and it is possible that Jefferson’s copies were bound