Volume IV : page 269

sion of it be not interesting to mrs Carmichael: to whom with a great deal of respect as well as to yourself I am Dear Sir your most obed t. humble serv t.
Hernando Cortés, 1485-1547, the Spanish conquerer [ sic -- Ed. ] of Mexico, wrote five letters on the subject of his conquests, addressed to Charles V. This edition by Lorenzana consists of a reprint of the second, third and fourth of the letters addressed by Cortés to Charles V, with additional matter and notes by Lorenzana.
Francisco Antonio Lorenzana y Butron, 1722-1804, Cardinal, Bishop of Toledo and Archbishop of Mexico.
For “3. Borgoyne’s travels, mentioned by Jefferson as the source of his knowledge of this book in his letter to William Short, quoted here, see no. 3899.
Storia del Messico dell’ Abate Clavigero. 4. vol. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 126, no. 255, as above.
CLAVIJERO, Francisco Javier.
Storia Antica del Messico cavata da’ Migliori Storici Spagnuoli, e da’ Manoscritti, e dalle Pitture Antiche degl’ Indiani: divisa in dieci Libri, e corredata di Carte Geografiche, e di varie Figure: e Dissertazioni sulla Terra, sugli Animali, e sugli abitatori del Messico. Opera dell’Abate D. Francesco Saverio Clavigero. Tomo I. [-IV. contenante le Dissertazioni]. In Cesena mdcclxxx-mdcclxxxi . Per Gregorio Biasini. Con Licenza de’ Superiori. [1780-1781.]
F1219 .C61
First Edition. 4 vol. 4to. I. 157 leaves, 1 folded engraved map, 2 full page plates, one of plants, the other of animals in compartments, at the end a folded leaf with the Genealogia dei re Messicani; II, 138 leaves, 17 engraved plates, some folded; III, 130 leaves, folded engraved map, folded engraved plate; IV, 166 leaves; lists of errata in each volume.
Sabin 13518.
Palau II, 209.
Backer II, 1210, 6.
John Carter Brown 2629.
Jefferson mentioned this work in a letter to Dr. Joseph Willard, dated from Paris, March 24, 1789: “ . . . Clavigero, an Italian also, who has resided thirty five years in Mexico, has given us a history of that country, which certainly merits more respect than any other work on the same subject. he corrects many errors of D r. Robertson, and the sound philosophy will disapprove many of his ideas. we must still consider it as an useful work, and assuredly the best we possess on the same subject. it is in 4. thin volumes small 4 to. . . .
A copy is entered by him on his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 44.
Francisco Javier Clavijero, 1731-1787, was born in Vera Cruz, and remained in Mexico until the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767, when he went to Italy and settled in Bologna, where he wrote this book. Translations into English and into German appeared in 1787 and 1789, and an edition was published in Philadelphia in 1817.
Voiages de Thomas Gage dans la Nouvelle Espagne. 2. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 127, no. 92, as above, but reading Voyages.
GAGE, Thomas.
Nouvelle Relation, contenant les Voyages de Thomas Gage dans le nouvelle Espagne, ses diverses avantures, & son retour dans la Province de Nicaragua jusqu’à la Havane. Avec la Description de la Ville de Mexique, telle qu’elle étoit autrefois, & comme elle est à present. Ensemble vne Description exacte des Terres & Provinces que possedent les Espagnols en toute l’Amérique, de la forme de leur Gouvernement Ecclesiastique & Politique, de leur Commerce, de leurs Moeurs, &

Volume IV : page 269

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