Volume IV : page 263

Historia del Peru da Pietro Cieza di Leone. Ven. 1560. }

Historia dell India. Ven. 1565. }

Conquista di Messico da Lopez di Gomara. Ven. 1566. } 5. vols. 12 mo.

   La Conquista de Mexico y de la nueva España. por Fr.  Lopez de Gomara. Nucio. Anvers. 1554. }
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 101,

Historia del Peru da Pietro Cieza di Leone, Ven. 1560}

Historia del India, Ven. 1566}

Conquista di Messico da Lopez di Gomara, Ven. 1565 }5 v 12mo.

La Conquista de Messico y de la Nueva Espana, por Lopez di Gomara, Anvers, 1554}
A set of five volumes consisting of the Italian versions of the Historia de Peru, first and second part, of Cieza de León and López de Gómara and the latter’s Conquista di Messico ( La Terza parte), all published in Venice by Ziletti, and the Spanish edition of López de Gómara’s Conquista de Mexico ( la Segunda parte), published in Anvers by Martin Nucio.
1. CIEZA DE LEÓN, Pedro de.
La Prima Parte dell’Historie del Perv. Dove si tratta l’Ordine delle Prouincie, delle Città nuoue in quel Paese edificate, i riti, & costumi di gli Indiani, con molte cose notabili, et degne di consideratione. Composta da Pietro Cieza di Leone Cittadino di Siuiglia. Con la Tavola delle Cose piu notabili. Con Priuilegio per Anni XX. In Venetia: Appresso Giordano Ziletti, m d l x . [1560.]
F3442 .C62
Sm. 8vo. 224 leaves, printed in Italic letter, printer’s woodcut device on the title, and on the verso of the last leaf, which has on the recto the register and colophon.
Sabin 13051.
Palau II, 199.
Medina I, page 257.
This edition not in Salvá.
John Carter Brown 231.
Jefferson bought a copy from Froullé in Paris on April 17, 1789, price, together with the Seconda Part (see the next entry) 11.
Pedro de Cieza de León, 1518-1560, Spanish adventurer, was born in Seville, and at the age of thirteen embarked for the New World, where he met Pizarro in Peru. The first edition of the Parte Primera de la chronica del Peru was published in Seville in 1553, and the first Italian translation in Rome in 1555. Cieza de León planned a second and third part of this work, but died before its completion, and his work was continued by López de Gómara. See the next entry.
In the absence of Jefferson’s copies of these books it is difficult to know exactly which editions were in his library. From the evidence it would seem that he owned the second part written by López de Gómara from the manuscript left by Cieza de León, who had planned a work in three parts, but who had died after the publication of the first. The entry on Froullé’s bill implies that two parts were by Cieza de León, but in his entry to the French translation of López de Gómara’s work (following this collection, no. 4117 below) Jefferson has written [ from the same original as the Historia del India in the preceding collection]. The books are similarly entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue. The first edition of López de Gómara’s La Historia de las Indias. Y Conquista de Mexico was published in Çaragoça in 1552. Two translations into Italian were made, one by Augustino de Cravaliz, the other by Lucio Mauro. It seems probable that Jefferson’s copy was of Mauro’s version.

Volume IV : page 263

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