Volume IV : page 261

in his Navigation Australe; Dictionaire du langage des Isles de Salomon on 4 pages, Bb2 verso to Bb4 recto.
Sabin 31543.
Palau IV, 27.
Winsor I, 67.
John Carter Brown 182.
This edition not in Field.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 7.4.
For a note on the author, see no. 4107. This work was printed also in Spanish and in Latin, and in the latter language was reprinted by DeBry in his Grands Voyages , part XII. The verso of the title-page gives a list of the contents of the volume:
I. Description des Indes Occidentales par Antoine de Herrera.
II. Navigation Australe de Iaques le Maire, translatee de Flamend en François.
III. Recueil de tous ceux qui ont passé l’Etroit de Magellan.
IV. Description de l’inde Occidentale de Pedro Ordonnez de Cevallos.
V. Description d’Amerique, ou du Nouveau Monde, tirée des Tableaux Geographiques de Petrus Bertius.
The second part, containing the Navigation Australe of Le Maire is of importance as being the first edition (with the Latin and Dutch versions of the same year) of the genuine voyage of Le Maire, as distinguished from the account of it published by Blaeu under the name of Cornelius Schouten, the commander of one of the vessels of Le Maire.
La Monarquia Indiana por de Torquemada. 3. v. p fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 124, no. 283, as above, but reading fol.
Primera [-Tercera] Parte de los Veinte ivn Libros Rituales i Monarchia Indiana, con elorigen y guerras, delos Indios Ocidentales. de sus Poblaciones, Descubrimiento, Conquista, Conuersion y otras cosas marauillosas de la mesma tierra distribuydos en tres tomos. Compuesto por F. Juan de Torquemada Ministro Prouincial de la Orden de Nuestro Serafico Padre San Francisco en la Prouincia del Santo Evangelio de Mexico en la Nueba Espana . . . Con Privilegio. En Madrid: en la Oficina y acosta de Nicolas Rodriguez Franco, Año de 1723.
F1219 .T68 1725
3 vol. Folio. 441, 346 and 343 leaves, text printed in double columns, engraved title repeated in each volume with a representation of a preacher and congregation within architectural borders by and after Yrala, engraved folded map.
Sabin 6212.
Palau VII, 46.
Salvá II, 3412.
Medina 2491.
Field 1557.
John Carter Brown 339.
Jefferson purchased a copy through William Carmichael in 1786; it is on the bill of Peter Lyonnet for books supplied to Carmichael, paid by Thomas Barclay on May 26, 1786. It is entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price translated into dollars: 220= 11D. In a letter to Miguel de Lardizabel y Uribe dated from Paris July 6, 1786, requesting him to buy books on Spanish America, this title is included in the enclosed list of books on that subject already in Jefferson’s possession.
Juan de Torquemada, fl. 1600, a provincial of the Franciscan order in Spain, visited the New World before writing his history, of which the first edition was published in Seville in 1615.
A. Gonzalez de Barcia Carballido y Zuñiga, 1673-1743, Spanish scholar, was the editor of this edition of 1723.
Pedro Simon de Cuença. Noticias historiales de las conquistas de tierra firme en las Indias occidentales p fol. Cuença. 1626.
1815 Catalogue, page 126, no. 276, Pedro Simon de Cuença Noticias de las Conquistas en las Ind. Occid. fol Cuença, 1626.
SIMON, Pedro.
Primera Parte de las Noticias historiales de las Conquistas de tierra firme en las Indias Occidentales. Compvesto por el Padre Fray Pedro Simon Prouincial de la

Volume IV : page 261

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