Volume IV : page 26

Adams’s Geometrical & Graphical essays. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 111, no. 10, as above.
ADAMS, George.
Geometrical and Graphical Essays, containing, a General Description of the Mathematical Instruments used in Geometry, Civil and Military Surveying, Levelling and Perspective; with many New Practical Problems. Illustrated by thirty-four copper plates. By the late George Adams, mathematical instrument maker to His Majesty, &c. The Third Edition, corrected and enlarged by William Jones, F. Am. P. S. London: printed by W. Glendinning; for, and sold by, W. and S. Jones, opticians, 1803. [Price 14s. in boards.]
QA71 .A21
8vo. 276 leaves, engraved frontispiece (The Great Theodolite, by Ramsden), and 34 folded engraved plates, with separate title, the greater number by Jno. Lodge after T. Milne; a list of the author’s works, published by W. and S. Jones, on the penultimate preliminary leaf, on the last leaf of the text a list of the principal instruments described in this work and their prices, as made and sold by W. and S. Jones; following the plates a catalogue, on 7 leaves, of optical, mathematical, and philosophical instruments, made and sold by W. and S. Jones, and a list of books published by W. Jones, and on one leaf an announcement to the public by W. and S. Jones, dated from London, Jan. 1, 1804, concerning their purchase of the stock and copyright of the philosophical works of George Adams, deceased.
Not in Lowndes.
Sotheran 5648.
In his dated catalogue Jefferson placed this book in the next following chapter. He ordered his copy from W. and S. Jones, through Mr. Tunnicliff, in London, who in a letter from Jefferson dated from Washington April 25, 1805, was requested to purchase a number of books from that firm.
The order was acknowledged by Jones in a letter dated August 3, 1805, and this book included on the bill, price 19 shillings.
On October 25, 1806, Jefferson wrote to William Jones, ordering several of the instruments described in this book and in other works by Adams. Those requested from this book include:

the 3. inch pocket box sextant to take angles to a minute, in Adams’s geometrical & graphical essays. 264. pl. XIX. Fig. 11. with the table inscribed.

" the artificial horizon for d o. described pa. 266. pl. XIX. Fig. 12.

" Keith’s improved Parallel scales all-ivory: Adams’ geom. & graph. essays. 470. Pl. XXXIII. Fig. 2. 3. 4. 5.

" 2 pair of hair compasses, one larger one small. ib. Pl. I. fig. L. & H.
Beside each entry Jefferson has written the price according to Jones’s catalogue contained in this work.
For other works by George Adams, and other purchases from W. and S. Jones, see the Index. The first edition of this book, published for the author, appeared in 1791, and the second edition, corrected and enlarged by William Jones, was published by W. and S. Jones in 1797. The plates for this edition of 1803 were issued with the second edition and are dated 1796, 7.
Veterum mathematicorum, Athenaei, Apollodon &c. opera. Gr. Lat. Boivin Par. 1693. fol.
Euclidis quae supersunt omnia: Gr. Lat. Gregorii. Oxon. 1703. fol.
Euclide de Payrard.
Stone’s Euclid. 8 vo.
Archimede de Payrard.
Sherwin’s Mathematical tables. 8 vo. 5 th. edn. Lond. 1770.

Volume IV : page 26

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