Volume IV : page 245

Histoire de l’Orenoque par Gumilla. traduite par Eidous. 3. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 95, as above, but reading Oronoque.
Histoire Naturelle, Civile et Geographique de l’Orenoque, et des principales Riviéres qui s’y jettent. Dans laquelle on traite du Gouvernmente, des Usages & des Coûtumes des Indiens qui l’habitent, des Animaux, des Arbres, des Fruits, des Résines, des Herbes & des Racines Médicinales qui naissent dans le Païs. Par le P. Joseph Gumilla, de la Compagnie de Jesus, Supérieur des Missions de l’Orenoque. Traduite de l’ Espagnol sur la seconde Edition, par M. Eidous, ci-devant Ingenieur des Armées de S.M.C. Tome Premier. [-Troisiéme] A Avignon: et se vend à Paris et à Marseille, chez Jean Mossy, m. dcc. lviii . [1758.]
F2311 .G98
First Edition of this translation. 3 vol. 12mo. 209, 170 and 169 leaves, folded engraved map in volume I, Carte de la Province et des Missions de la Comp e. de Jesus du Nouveau Roy e. de Grenade, copié sur l’Original Espagnol [q.v. no. 4127].
Sabin 29277.
Quérard III, 551.
Medina 3376.
Palau III, 433.
Field 617.
Backer III, 1905, 3.
Carayon 1361.
José Gumilla, 1690-1758, Spanish Jesuit missionary, went to South America in 1715 and became superior of the missions on the Orinoco, where he remained for twenty years. He eventually returned to Spain and was appointed head of the College of Cartagena and later of the University of Madrid.
Marc-Antoine Eidous, French translator, was born in Marseilles. He served as an engineer in Spain for a time, but returned to France and devoted himself to literature, and in particular to translations into French from various languages.
Hakluyt’s history of the West Indies. p. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 225, as above.
[ANGHIERA, Pietro Martire d’.]
The Historie of the VVest-Indies, containing the Acts and Adventures of the Spaniards, which have conquered and peopled those Countries, inriched with varietie of pleasant relation of the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governments, and Warres of the Indians. Published in Latin by M r. Hakluyt, and translated into English by M. Lok. Gent . . . London: Printed for Andrew Hebb, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bell in Pauls Church-yard. n.d. [ 1625?]
E141 .A60
Sm. 4to. 321 leaves, [ ] 1, B-Z, Aa-Ss 8, marginal notes; To the Reader signed by M. Lok.
This edition not in Lowndes and not in the Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit.
Hazlitt II, 385.
Sabin 45011.
John Carter Brown Catalogue II, 196.
STC 651.
This edition not in Palau.
This edition not in Field.
Michael Lok, fl. 1615, English traveller, undertook the translation into English of the Decades of Peter Martyr at the instance of Richard Hakluyt, who published the first edition of this translation in 1612. For a note on the date of this edition, a reissue of that of 1612 with a new title-page, see Church 358. The epistle to the Reader contains the passage relative to Virginia.
For notes on Hakluyt and Pietro Martire d’Anghiera see no. 4007 and no. 4099.

Volume IV : page 245

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