Volume IV : page 236

& de plus l’Histoire Naturalle & Morale, & les avantages, qu’on en peut tirer par l’établissement des Colonies. Le Tout dedie à Sa Majesté Britannique. Guillaume III. Par le R. P. Louis Hennepin, Missionaire Recollect & Notaire Apostolique. A Utrecht: Chez Guillaume Broedelet, mdcxcvii . [1697.]
F352 .H6
First Edition. 12mo. 294 leaves, engraved title, 2 folded engraved maps, 2 folded engraved plates, one of Niagara Falls, the other of a Bison.
Sabin 31349.
Winsor IV, 250.
John Carter Brown 1513.
Field 685 (in the note).
Staton and Tremaine 83.
Gagnon 1650.
Paltsits, page lii.
Shea, page 384, no. 1.
Boimare 17.
The Library of Congress catalogues which distinguish the Jefferson collection assign to it the first edition as above. Jefferson’s manuscript catalogue, followed by the Library of Congress 1815 Catalogue, and his undated manuscript catalogue (where it has the price, 2.10) call for the “1st & 3rd vol.” In the working copy of the 1815 Catalogue, “3d vol. missing” has been written in ink beside the entry. As no second volume was listed by Jefferson, the absence of the third leaves the one volume in which the book was issued. The bibliographies do not list an edition in three volumes, so it is not possible to determine Jefferson’s meaning.
Winsor’s description of this work begins: “According to Hennepin’s own story, some time after his first book was published, he incurred the displeasure of the Provincial of his Order by refusing to return to America, and was in more ways than one so pursued by his superior that in the end he threw himself on the favor of William III. of England, whom he had met at the Hague. Hennepin searched Amsterdam for a publisher of his new venture, but had to take it to Utrecht, where it came out, in 1697, with a fulsome dedication to the English king . . .”
The engraving of the Niagara Falls is said to be the earliest depiction of the scene.
Nouveau voyage d’un pays plus grande que l’Europe. par Hennepin. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 125, no. 81, as above, reading Voiage and grand.
Nouveau Voyage d’un Pais plus grand que l’Europe avec les reflections des entreprises du Sieur de la Salle, sur les Mines de St. Barbe, &c. Enrichi de la Carte, de figures expressives, des mœurs & manieres de vivre des Sauvages du Nord, & du Sud, de la prise de Quebec Ville Capitalle de la Nouvelle France, par les Anglois, & des avantages qu’on peut retirer du chemin recourci de la Chine & du Japon, par le moien de tant de Vastes Contrées, & de Nouvelles Colonies. Avec approbation & dedié à sa Majesté Guillaume III. Roy de la grande Bretagne par le R. P. Louis Hennepin, Missionaire Recollect & Notaire Apostolique. A Utrecht: chez Antoine Schouten, 1698.
F352 .H7
First Edition. 12mo. 230 leaves, 1 folded engraved map. 4 folded engraved plates.
Sabin 31351.
John Carter Brown 1537.
Winsor IV, 255.
Church 774.
Staton and Tremaine 84.
Gagnon 1651.
Field 685 (in the note).
Paltsits, page lvii.
Shea, page 389, no. 1.
Boimare 18.
There were two issues of this book, one with imprint as above, the other, much rarer, with the imprint of Ernestus Voskuyl. Copies of both are in the Library of Congress, but neither shows any marks of Jefferson’s provenance, and it is not known which issue was in his library. It is entered by him in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 2.10.
This work is a continuation of the author’s Nouvelle Decouverte , no. 4066 above.

Volume IV : page 236

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