Volume IV : page 228

Not in the Manuscript Catalogue.
1815 Catalogue, page 126, no. 188, Tracts on Virginia and New England, by Bullock[,] Thomas Morton, Roberts, Coke and others, p 4to 1609-71.

1839 Catalogue, page 548, no. J. 259, Pamphlets.--Nova Britannia, 8vo; London, 1609.--Virginia Impartially Examined, by Wm. Bullock; London, 1609. [sic]--Orders and Constitutions, ordained for the Government of the Summer Islands; London, 1622.--The Planter’s Plea; London, 1630.--New English Canaan, by Thomas Morton; London, 1637.--New England’s Plantation, written by a reverend Divine, now there resident; London, 1630.--Petition of Wm. Castell and others, for the Propagating of the Gospel in America; London, 1641.--Treaty of Peace between the Crowns of France and Spain concluded and signed the 7th of November, 1659; London, 1660.--A Treatise of Taxes and Contributions; London, 1662.--The Treasure of Traffike, by Lewes Roberts; London, 1641.--The World’s Mistake in Oliver Cromwell; London, 1668.--Treatises, where is demonstrated, that the Church and State of England, are in equal Danger with the Trade of it--and from what Causes the Dutch Govern and manage Trade better than the English, by Roger Coke; London, 1671.
Jefferson’s copies of the twelve tracts originally bound together for him are no longer in the Library of Congress, or cannot be identified as having been in his library. The titles have been taken from the Library of Congress Catalogue of 1839 as above.

1. [JOHNSON, Robert.]
Nova Britannia: Offering most excellent fruites by Planting in Virginia. Exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. London: Printed for Samvel Macham, and are to be sold at his Shop in Pauls Church-yard, 1609.
F229 .J671
First Edition. 4to. 20 leaves, including the first, blank but for the signature A, and the last blank (the first present and the last absent from the copy collated), printed in black letter, woodcut of a ship on the title-page. The dedication to Sir Thomas Smith, one of his Maiesties Councell for Virginia, and Treasurer for the Colonie, and Gouernour of the Companies of the Moscovia and East India Merchants , signed R. I.
Halkett and Laing IV, 206.
Sabin 36284.
Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit. I, 789.
STC 14669.
Arber III, 402 (18 Feb.).
Church 338.
John Carter Brown II, 89.
Pforzheimer, no. 538.
H. V. Jones, page 59.
Clayton-Torrence 4.
Robert Johnson, fl. 1586-1626, was a member of the Virginia Company. This is one of the earliest printed books relative to the settlement of Virginia. In the Church Catalogue six variants of the first edition are listed and described. The two copies in the Library of Congress have variants not mentioned in the Church Catalogue list. It cannot be ascertained which variant was in the Jefferson collection. The tract has been reprinted for Joseph Sabin in 1867, with a prefatory note by F. L. Hawks, and is also to be found reprinted in the first volume of Force’s Tracts.
2. BULLOCK, William.
Virginia impartially examined, and left to publick view, to be considered by all Iudicious and honest men. Under which Title, is comprehended the Degrees from 34 to 39, wherein lyes the rich and healthful Countries of Roanock, the now Plantations of Virginia and Mary-land. Looke not upon this Booke, as those that are set out by private men, for private ends; for being read, you’l find, the publick good is the Authors onely aime. For this Piece is no other than the Adventurers or Planters faithfull Steward, disposing the Adventure for the best advantage, advising people of all degrees, from the highest Master, to the meanest Servant,

Volume IV : page 228

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