Volume IV : page 20

Chapter XXVI


Pure. Geometry

. . . I consider pure mathematics as the science of 1. Numbers. and 2. Measure in the abstract. that of numbers comprehending Arithmetic, Algebra, & Fluxions; that of Measure, under the general appellation of Geometry, comprehending Trigonometry plane and Spherical. Conic sections and Transcendental curves . . .
letter from Thomas Jefferson to peter carr, september 7, 1814.
Tacquet’s Euclid 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 112, no. 1, as above.
V. Cl. Andreae Tacquet . . . Elementa Geometriae Planae ac Solidae; et selecta ex Archimede Theoremata; summa cura emendata, et XL schematibus novis aeri incisis illustrata, à G. Whiston . . . Editio secunda, aliquanto auctior . . . Cantabrigiae: C. Crownfield, 1710.
8vo. No copy was seen for collation.
This edition not in Ebert, not in Bowes and not in Riccardi.
André Tacquet, 1611-1660, Dutch professor of mathematics; the first edition of this work was published in Antwerp in 1665.
William Whiston, 1667-1752, succeeded Sir Isaac Newton as Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University. He was deprived in October 1710 of his professorship owing to his religious views.
Simpson’s Euclid. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 112, no. 11, as above.
The Elements of Euclid, viz. The First Six books, together with the Eleventh and Twelfth. In this Edition, the Errors, by which Theon, or Others, have long ago vitiated these Books, are corrected, and some of Euclid’s Demonstrations are restored. By Robert Simson, M.D. Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow. Glasgow: printed by Robert and Andrew Foulis, printers to the University, m.dcc.lvi. [1756.]
QA451 .S61
First Edition. 4to. 220 leaves, diagrams.
Lowndes III, 757.
Riccardi 1756 2.
Murray, pages 24 and 51.
For Jefferson’s comment on Simson’s Euclid, see no. 3667 above.
Robert Simson, 1687-1768, Scottish mathematician, was for a number of years professor of mathematics at the University of Glasgow. This edition of Euclid is the basis of most of the modern textbooks.

Volume IV : page 20

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