Volume IV : page 193

the vaste and new world of America, from 73. degrees of Northerly latitude Southward, to Meta Incognita, Newfoundland, the maine of Virginia, the point of Florida, the baie of Mexico, all the inland of Noua Hispania, the coast of Terra firma, Brasill, the riuer of Plate, to the Streight of Magellan: and through it, and from it in the South Sea to Chili, Peru, Xalisco, the Gulfe of California, Noua Albion vpon the backside of Canada, further than euer any Christian hitherto hath pierced. Whereunto is added the last most renowmed [sic] English Nauigation, round about the whole Globe of the Earth. By Richard Hakluyt Master of Artes, and Student sometime of Christ-church in Oxford. Imprinted at London by George Bishop and Ralph Newberie, deputies to Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, 1589.
G240 .H142
First Edition. Folio. 434 leaves, including the 6 unnumbered leaves of Drake’s Voyage between pages 643 and 644, printed in black and roman letter, sidenotes in black letter, woodcut historiated and other initials, woodcut head and tail pieces, colophon and ornament on the last page, otherwise blank; the copy examined in the Library of Congress was without the map.
Lowndes II, 971.
STC 12625.
Sabin 29594.
Winsor III, 205.
Field 631.
Church 139.
John Carter Brown 384.
Jefferson’s copy was obtained with his purchase of the library of Richard Bland.
Richard Hakluyt, 1552?-1616, English geographer. This work, written while Hakluyt was in France as chaplain to Sir Edward Stafford, the English ambassador, is dedicated to Sir Francis Walsingham. Of the three books into which it is divided, the first relates to the Near East, Africa and Asia, the second to Scandinavia, Russia and Tartary and the third to North and South America. This book was classified by Jefferson, followed by the Library of Congress 1815 Catalogue, in the Americana section of the Geography chapter. In the 1831 and subsequent catalogues it is reclassified into Geography--General.
Virginia by E. W. p. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 127, no. 189.
[WILLIAMS, Edward.]
Virginia: More especially the South part thereof, Richly and truly valued: viz. the fertile Carolana, and no lesse excellent Isle of Roanoak, of Latitude from 31. to 37. Degr. relating the meanes of raysing infinite profits to the Adventurers and Planters. The second Edition, with Addition of the Discovery of Silkworms, with their benefits. And Implanting of Mulberry Trees. Also the Dressing of Vines, for the rich Trade of making Wines in Virginia. Together with the making of the Saw-mill, very usefull in Virginia, for cutting of Timber and Clapboard to build withall, and its Conversion to many as profitable Uses. By E. W. Gent. London: Printed by T. H. for John Stephenson, 1650.
F272 .W73
4to. 2 parts in 1, 34 and 43 leaves, the first leaf of the second part a blank, separate title-pages, signatures and pagination, woodcut on the second title-page, and 4 full-page woodcut illustrations. The first edition was published earlier in the same year, with a different title and a different arrangement of the preliminary leaves, 2 of which were cancelled, and replaced in this edition with 1 leaf [B 5], headed To the worthy Gentlemen, Adventurers and Planters in Virginia.
Not in Halkett and Laing.
Sabin 104190.
Church 509 (in the description of the first edition).
Clayton-Torrence 61.
Swem 6495.
STC W2658.
Edward Williams, fl. 1650, published the first edition

Volume IV : page 193

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