Volume IV : page 187

Clavigero. I think proper to exhibit their opinions in this place, because both of them have introduced some observations on the subject of the American languages . . .” This is followed by a long passage (two and one-half pages) quoted from the Notes on the State of Virginia[.] At the conclusion of his own remarks on the language of the American Indians, Barton noted (page lxxii): “. . . The preceding remarks, and the annexed vocabularies, do not favour the opinion of Mr. Jefferson, that the number of radical languages in America is so great. It is true that hitherto we have discovered but very little resemblance between several of these languages. But then it should be remembered, that our collections of words are very small and imperfect, and of course, that as yet we have not had opportunities of pointing out all the resemblances which may exist. Much may be done by the labour of future inquirers . . .”
On page lxxxix an opinion of Jefferson’s is discussed by Barton: “. . . It was the opinion of Mr. Jefferson, that the nations of America are ‘of greater antiquity than those of Asia.’ Our illustrious countryman was induced to adopt this opinion, from having, as he supposed, discovered that there is a much greater number of radical languages in America than in Asia. If the position were established, the inference might, perhaps, be maintained. But I think I have shown, that we are not in possession of facts to prove that there are in America many radical languages, whatever may be done, at some future period, by a more complete investigation of the subject. On the contrary, my inquiries seem to render it probable, that all the languages of the countries of America may, in America, be traced to one or two great stocks. In Asia, I think, they may confidently be traced to one . . .”
Other references to the Notes on the State of Virginia occur.
For other works by Benjamin Smith Barton, and notes on him, see the Index. For the great work of Pallas, referred to by him above, see No. 4736.
Histoire de l’Amerique Septentrionale par de la Potherie. 4. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 124, no. 63, as above.
Histoire de l’Amerique Septentrionale. Divisée en quatre Tomes. Tome Premier. Contenant le Voyage du Fort de Nelson, dans la Baye d’Hudson, à l’extrémité de l’Amerique . . . [--Contenant l’Histoire des peuples Alliez de la Nouvelle France . . . Tome II.] [--Qui contient l’Histoire des Iroquois, leurs Moeurs, leurs Maximes . . . Tome III.] [--Contenant l’Histoire des Abenaguis, la Paix generale . . . Tome IV.] Par Mr. de Bacqueville de la Potherie, né à la Guadaloupe, dans l’Amerique Meridionale, Aide Major de ladite Isle. Enrichie de Figures. A Paris: Chez Jean-Luc Nion; et François Didot, m. dcc. xxii . Avec Aprobation & Privilege du Roi. [1722.]
F1030 .B11
First Edition. 4 vol. 12mo. 188, 181, 165, and 139 leaves, engraved title-frontispiece by I. Scotin in vol. I, engraved plates, folded and full-page, with maps and other illustrations, titles printed in red and black, each one varying according to the contents of the volume.
Quérard I, 150.
Boucher de la Richarderie VI, 22.
Sabin 2692.
Staton and Tremaine 131 and Gagnon 1962, both refer to this edition in the note.
Field 66 (not this edition).
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 8-10.
Claude Charles Le Roy de Bacqueville de la Potherie, b. circa 1668, was a French naval officer. At intervals between 1697 and 1714 he was on duty in Hudson’s Bay and New France, and, in the form of letters, wrote this account of matters which came under his own observation. The work contains an account of the Hudson’s Bay Expedition, the French establishment on the St. Lawrence, the activities of Frontenac, a description of Indian life and customs, and much other matter. The manuscript was sent to Paris in 1702. The illustrations are reputed to be the earliest views taken in Canada.

Volume IV : page 187

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