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England, New-York, east and west New-Jerzey, Dellewar-bay, Virginia, Maryland, and Carrolina, &c. Shewing the courses and distances from one place to another, the ebbing and flowing of the sea, the setting of the tides and currents, &c. With many other things necessary to be known in navigation. The whole being very much enlarged and corrected, with the additions of several new charts and descriptions, not before publish’d. By the information of divers able navigators of our own and other nations. London: for W. Fisher and J. Thornton, 1689?
Folio. No copy of an edition of 1689 has been traced. This edition is called for by the Library of Congress Catalogues of 1831 and later, and by Sabin 22616. There is no edition of 1689 entered in the Term Catalogues and the earliest edition in the STC [E3108] is that of 1698 published for John Thornton and Richard Mount. The first edition described by Phillips [no. 1155] and from which the above title-page was taken, is that of 1706, to which Phillips appends a note: The first edition of “The english pilot” was printed in London, for W. Fisher and J. Thornton, 1689.
The edition of 1706 has 36 leaves and 24 maps engraved by John Thornton or by John Thornton and Will: Fisher.
Description des cotes de l’Amerique. par Dassié. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 122, no. 50, as above.
Description generale des Costes de l’Amerique, Havres, Isles, Caps, Golfes, Bancs, Ecueils, Basses, profondeurs, vents & courans d’eau. Des Peuples qui les Habitent, du temperamment de l’air, de la qualité des Terres & du Commerce. Utile à tous Navigateurs, Hydrographes & Geographes, le tout recueilly des Autheurs les plus modernes, & des Memoires des Pilotes, François, Espagnols & Portugais. Par le Sieur Dassié Prètre, Chanoine de S. Ruf. A Rouen: chez Bonaventure Le Brun, m. dc. lxxvii . Avec Permission. [1677.]
E143 .D23
12mo. 218 leaves.
Sabin 18654.
John Carter Brown 1162.
Not in Quérard.
This edition not in Graesse.
F. Dassié, French hydrographer and a canon of St. Ruf, dedicated this book to Humbert de Valernod, abbé and Chef Général of the Ordre des Chanoines Reguliers de S. Ruf. The first edition was printed in Rouen in 1676. Dassié, who was a builder of vessels for the King of France at Havre, spent some time in America.
Recherches sur les Americains. par de Paw. 3. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 126, no. 51, as above.
PAUW, Cornelis de.
Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains, ou Mémoires intéressants pour servir à l’Histoire de l’Espece Humaine. Par M. de P***. Avec une Dissertation sur l’Amérique & les Américains, par Dom Pernety . . . Tome Premier. [-Second. -- Dissertation sur l’Amérique et les Américains, contre les Recherches Philosophiques, de M. de P***. Par Dom Pernety, Abbé de l’Abbaye de Burgel, des Académies Royales de Prusse & de Florence, & Bibliothécaire de Sa Majesté le

Volume IV : page 164

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