Volume IV : page 15

2. MATHON DE LA COUR, Charles Joseph.
Testament de M. Fortuné Ricard, maitre d’Arithmétique á D***, lu et publié à l’Audience du Bailliage de cette Ville, le 19 aôut 1784. Without name or place or printer, 1785.
First Edition. 8vo. 20 leaves.
Jefferson entered this book with a French title; it is therefore to be assumed that he had a copy of the French edition. In 1785 Richard Price sent to him a copy of the English translation published with the second edition of his own Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution; see no. 2993.
Charles Joseph Mathon de la Cour, 1738-1793, French scholar, philanthropist and artist.
The tracts are entered without price in the undated manuscript catalogue.
Histoire des Mathematiques par Montucla. 4. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 109, no. 30, Histoire des Mathematiques de Montucla et de la Lande, 4 v 4to.
MONTUCLA, Jean-Étienne.
Histoire des Mathématiques . . . par J. F. Montucla, de l’Institut National de France. Tome Premier [-Second]. A Paris: chez A. Joubert, 1758.-- Histoire des Mathématiques . . . Nouvelle édition, considérablement augmentée, et prolongée jusque vers l’Époque Actuelle; par J. F. Montucla, de l’Institut national de France. Tome Troisieme [-Quatrieme]. Achevé et publié par Jérôme de La Lande. A Paris: chez Henri Agasse, An X. ( mai 1802).
QA21 .M8
4to. Together 4 vol. First Edition of all volumes; no copy of vol. I and II was seen for collation; vol. III, 420 leaves, engraved portrait frontispiece of La Lande by A. de St. Aubin after J. Ely, 17 folded engraved plates by Bernard; on 4 leaves at the end is a bibliography: Des dépôts de Machines, et des livres qui en traitent; vol. IV, 346 leaves, 2 folded engraved plates by Bernard.
Quérard VI, 274.
Jefferson ordered a copy of Montucla’s work from “Frouillé” [i.e. Froullé] in a letter dated from Philadelphia October 10, 1792. An undated letter (but written in 1792) to a European bookseller also requests a copy of Montucla, Histoire des Mathematiques.
In February 1805 Jefferson bought from J. P. Reibelt, Baltimore, a Histoire des Mathématiques, price $ 4.00.
On May 17, 1805, Jefferson wrote from Washington to P. and C. Roche, Philadelphia, to request a copy of the two volumes by Lalande: “ By a catalogue of yours published in Philadelphia, I percieve that you have the following books which I will ask the favor of you to send me . . . I observe you have Montucla complete. should you have the additional part by de la Lande to dispose of separately, I shall be glad of it. I already possess the original work of Montucla in 2. vols 4 to. & want only the Additions . . .
Roche replied on May 20, sending the books and the bill which included “ Les tomes 3 & 4 histoire des Mathématiques de Montucla revus par La Lande 2 vols. in 4 o. réliés $ 12.00.
Roche’s letter read: “. . . L’histoire des mathématiques de Montucla formant un corps complet en 4 volumes in 4 o. ne se rend pas separément, cependant jalous de pouvoir faire quelque chose qui pousse, vous être agréable nous nous sommes empressés de les joindre à L’envoy et avons écrit à paris pour demander ces deux derniers volumes . . .””
Jefferson acknowledged the receipt of the books on June 1: “ Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to Mess rs. Roche, freres, and acknoleges the reciept of the books they sent him with particular thanks for the continuation of Montucla’s work . . .

Volume IV : page 15

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