First Edition. 4 parts in 2 vol. 8vo. Part 1, 166 leaves; part 2, 152 leaves; part 3, 126 leaves; part 4, 104 leaves, all inclusive
of first and last blanks.
Quérard IX, 506.
Boucher de la Richarderie II, 174.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue with the price
Baron de Tott, 1733-1793, a Hungarian, was born in France and went at an early age to Constantinople, where his father was sent on missions
to the Khan of the Tartars. François remained in Constantinople after the death of his father in 1757, and in 1783 returned
to France. In a letter to Madame de Tessé, dated from Paris April 25, 1785, Jefferson sent his respects to Madame de Tott, who may have been the
wife of Baron François de Tott.
Essai sur la Turquie.
1815 Catalogue, page 118, no. 141, as above.
Adrien Marie François, Chevalier de.]
Essais de Géographie, de Politique, et d’Histoire, sur les Possessions de l’Empereur des Turcs en Europe. Divisés en trois
parties, par M.L.C.D.M.D.L. d. G.D.C. d. M.L.C.D’A. Pour servir de suite aux Mémoires du Baron de Tott.
First Edition. 8vo. 164 leaves, folded
Table Généalogique des Empereurs Turcs.
Barbier II, 267.
Quérard X, 106.
There is not a copy of this book in the Library of Congress. It is a matter of some interest that the copy kindly lent by
Harvard Univesity was the gift of Joseph Randolph Coolidge, the great-grandson of Jefferson.
Adrien Marie François, Chevalier de Verdy du Vernois, d. 1814, was in the employ of the Comte d’Artois before the Revolution, and afterwards became Chamberlain to the King of
Prussia. He settled in Germany and became a member of the Academy of Berlin.
For the work of Baron de Tott, see the previous entry.
Pausaniae Graeciae descriptio.
Lat. Xylandri.
fol. Francof.
1815 Catalogue, page 119, no. 265, as above.
Παυσανιου της Ελλαδος Περιηγησις. Hoc est, Pavsaniæ Accvrata Graeciæ Descriptio, qva Lector cev Manv per eam Regionem circvmdvcitvr: A Gvilielmo Xylandro Avgvstano diligenter recognita, & ab innumeris mendis repurgata. Accesserunt Annotations, quæ a G. Xylandro paulo ante obitum inchoatæ, nunc vero a Frid. Sylb. continuatæ, magnaq
3 accessione locupletatæ, non exiguum ad genuinam Pausaniæ lectionem momentum afferunt. Addita etiam doctissima Romvli Amasæi versio, a plurimis & ipsa mendis vindicata, breuibusque
notatiunculis illustrata. Appendice quoq
3 aucta est hæc Pausaniæ Περιηγησις, & aliis, quæ vndecima ab hinc pagina prolixius recensentur. Cum tribus rerum & verborum Indicibvs amplissimis.
Francofvrti: Apud hæredes
Andreæ Wecheli, Anno
m d lxxxiii
. [1583.]
Folio. 2 vol. in 1, the
Greek text in the first volume, and the
Latin in the second,
Wechel’s woodcut device on both titles, and on the verso of the last
Brunet III, 661.
Graesse V, 177.
Pausanias, 2nd century A.D., Greek traveller and