Volume IV : page 134

First Edition. Sm. 8vo. 87 leaves. Pages 136 to 143 contain a description of the Volcans d’Amérique qui sont encore allumés.
Quérard I, 229.
Not in Boucher de la Richarderie.
This book was one selected by Jefferson from a consignment sent by Reibelt from Baltimore in January 1805, and included in the list of his selections sent to Reibelt on January 23. The price was 48 cents, and the book is included in the list of books with their prices made by Jefferson and included with his draft on the U. S. Bank, sent to Reibelt on March 7. The entry appears on various lists made by Jefferson of his purchases from Reibelt. The copy was bound for Jefferson in calf, gilt by John March in March 1805, price 75 cents.
Ferdinand Marie Bayard, born in Normandy in 1763, was a member of the Society of Liberal Arts and Sciences in Paris. He was the author also of a Voyage dans l’interieur des Etats-Unis .
Viaggio in Dalmazia dell’ Abate Fortis 3. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 119, no. 238, as above.
FORTIS, Alberto, abate.
Viaggio in Dalmazia dell’Abate Alberto Fortis . . . Volume Primo. [-Iter Buda Hadrianopolim Anno mdliii Exaratum ab Antonio Verantio . . . -Volume Secondo.] In Venezia: Presso Alvise Milocco, all’Apolline. mdcclxxiv . [1774.]
First Edition. 4to. 2 vol. in 1, in 3 parts, 94, 24, and 105 leaves, half-title to volume I. Colophon on the verso of the last leaf of Iter Buda Hadrianopolim, 13 numbered folded engraved plates by Jac. Leonardis, 2 folded engraved maps.
Brunet II, 313.
Graesse II, 618.
Ebert 7814.
Tipaldo II, 237.
Boucher de la Richarderie II, 268.
Jefferson bought his copy from Lackington, London, number 8368 in his catalogue, price 10/6 (entered at that price by Jefferson on his undated manuscript catalogue), ordered on October 2, 1788, from Paris, in a letter to John Trumbull, at that time in London. Jefferson invariably described the book as in three volumes, quarto, and it is so entered in the 1815 Library of Congress Catalogue (with the annotation in ink, bound in 1 vol.). The catalogue of 1831 credits the Jefferson library with a copy in 1 volume 4to. The entry for this book is omitted from the later editions of the Library of Congress catalogues, in which the Jefferson collection is erroneously credited with the Saggio d’Osservazioni sopra l’Isola di Cherso ed Osero, p. 4to. Venezia, 1771 by the same author.
Abate Alberto Fortis, 1741-1803, has been described as il primo Naturalista d’Italia, ed uno dei primi d’Europa. He travelled a great deal for scientific purposes, and visited Dalmatia in 1771 and 1774.
Antonio Verantio ( or Veranxscis), 1504-1573, was born in Dalmatia. He became archbishop of Gran, and primate and viceroy of Hungary. He was the author of a number of books, which were preserved in manuscript, and not published until some centuries after his death. This is the first edition of his Iter Buda Hadrianopolim, included by the abate Fortis in his Viaggio in Dalmazia, and is included also in the translations of that work.
Voiage literaire de la Grece, par Guys. 4. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 119, no. 138, as above.
GUYS, Pierre Augustin.
Voyage littéraire de la Grèce, ou Lettres sur les Grecs, Anciens et Modernes, avec un Parallele de leurs Mœurs. Par M. Guys, Sécrétaire du Roi, de l’Académie des Scienees [sic] & Belles-Lettres de Marseille. Troisieme Edition revue, corrlgée [sic], considérablement augmentée, & ornée de dix belles Planches. On y a joint divers Voyages & quelques Opuscules du même. Tome Premier [-Quatrieme]. A Paris, Chez la Veuve Duchesne, m dcc lxxxiii. [1783.]
DF721 .G98

Volume IV : page 134

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