Volume IV : page 132

In September of the same year Jefferson purchased a copy of Addison’s Travels for William Short. The last paragraph of a letter to Jefferson written by John Trumbull on September 2nd, reads: “. . . By Mr Barlow who goes tomorrow or next day to Paris, I shall send Lackington’s newest Catalogue. & two tours thro’ Italy. (Addison’s & a late one)--they cost 4/ & 4/6.--I thought the new one usefull. from its giving some Idea of the money. distances. expences &c. &c.--if Mr Short thinks otherwise. He will keep Addison & return me the other by Barlow or Parker. I wish him a pleasant Tour.”
Joseph Addison, 1672-1719, English essayist, poet and statesman, travelled in Italy and other parts of Europe in order to fit himself for diplomatic employments. The Remarks on several parts of Italy is dedicated to Lord Somers, and was first published in 1705.
Voiage en Italie de M. de la Lande. 10 v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 119, no. 31, Voiage en Italie de M. de la Lande, 9 v 12mo.
LALANDE, Joseph Jerome Le Français de.
Voyage en Italie, contenant l’Histoire & les Anecdotes les plus singulieres de l’Italie, & sa description; les Usages, le Gouvernement, le Commerce, la Littérature, les Arts, l’Histoire Naturelle, & les Antiquités; avec des jugemens sur les Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture & Architecture, & les Plans de toutes les grandes villes d’Italie. Par M. de La Lande. Seconde Edition corrigée & augmentée. Tome Premier [-Neuvieme]. A Paris: chez la Veuve Desaint [ J. Ch. Desaint, imprimeur] m. dcc. lxxxvi. Avec Approbation, & Privilège du Roi. [1786.]
DG424 .L19
9 vol. 12mo. 312, 324, 304, 314, 310, 308, 304, 304 and 312 leaves, including half-titles and blanks, the imprint of J. Ch. Desaint at the end of several volumes, in the last volume with the date, 25 Fevrier 1786. Jefferson seems not to have had the Atlas of plates which was issued with this edition; his manuscript catalogue calls for 10 volumes 12mo; the work is complete in 9 volumes 12mo, and an atlas of plates in quarto.
Quérard IV, 457.
Brunet 20172.
This edition not in Boucher de la Richarderie.
Jefferson bought a copy of this edition (without the Atlas of plates) from Froullé on June 13, 1789, price 36.0.
For a note on Lalande, see no. 3796 above. This work, originally published in 1769, is a valuable record of the author’s travels in 1765 and 1766.
Description de Genes. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 118, no. 33, as above.
[BRUSCO, Giacomo.]
Description des Beautés de Genes et de ses Environs, Ornée de differentes Vues, de tailles douce, et de la Carte Topographique de la Ville. A Genes mdcclxxxi chez Yves Gravier Libraire sous la Loge des Banqui. [1781.]
Sm. 8vo. 73 leaves, including the engraved title-page with the arms of the city by Guidotti, large folded engraved plan as frontispiece, from the Italian edition, Misurata a passi Geometrici da Giacomo Brusco Ingegnere Auct. 1766, full-page and folded engraved plates, some signed by Guidotti, folded printed leaf headed Genuæ. in Area Tabula, super Controversiis Agrariis Genuensium, et Veituriorum.
Not in Barbier.
Not in Quérard.
Manno 23830 (anon.)
Entered by Jefferson, without price, on his undated manuscript catalogue.
Jefferson visited Genoa on April 26, 1787, and wrote of it in his memoranda of his journey at that time into the Southern parts of France and Northern Italy:

Volume IV : page 132

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