Volume IV : page 126

Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, without price.
William Dalrymple, fl. 1777. This book is in the form of letters dated from various cities in Spain and Portugal, the first from Cordova, June 29th, 1774, and the last (the account of the Spanish expedition against Algiers) from Gibraltar, Oct. 1, 1775. According to Foulché-Delbosc, this is not the first edition, but was preceded by a Dublin edition in the same year, 12mo.
Voiage de Figaro en Espagne. 18 s.
1815 Catalogue, page 120, no. 25, as above, but reading 16s.
FLEURIOT, Jean Marie Jérôme, dit Marquis de Langle .
Voyage de Figaro, en Espagne. Saint-Malo, 1784.
First Edition. 12mo. 151 leaves; no copy was available for collation.
Quérard III, 133.
Foulché-Delbosc, no. 188A.
Boucher de la Richarderie III, 468.
The first two editions only of this work have the title Voyage de Figaro en Espagne, as called for by Jefferson, the first printed in Saint-Malo in 1784 in duodecimo, and the second in Seville in 1785 in octavo. Subsequent editions were printed in two volumes and with the author’s name on the title-page: Voyage en Espagne, par M. le Marquis de Langle . The title quoted by Jefferson (and entered similarly in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the non-existent format 18s, and with the price 2.8) makes it clear that he must have had the smaller of the two editions so titled, that is to say the first edition, in 12mo.
Jefferson’s entry is repeated in the Library of Congress catalogues of 1815 and 1831. The later catalogues which distinguish Jefferson copies assign an edition to him of Paris, 1785 (Premiere Partie, 16s.) with the Marquis de Langle’s name on the title-page, not that of Figaro. According to Foulché-Delbosc, op cit., the first edition with a Paris imprint appeared in 1796.
There is the possibility that Jefferson had changed the entry in the manuscript catalogue used for the sale of the books to Congress, but this seems unlikely as the Library of Congress catalogues of 1815 and 1831 repeat the title as entered by Jefferson in his manuscript catalogues.
The author of this work, whose name is variously given as Jean Marie Jérôme Fleuriot or Jérôme Charlemagne Fleuriau, in both cases dit le Marquis de Langle, was born in 1749 and died in 1807. The first edition was ordered to be burned by an arrêt of the parlement of February 26, 1788. According to the bibliographers the sixth edition, published in Paris by Perlet, Lebour in 1803, with the title Voyage en Espagne, par L. M. de Langle, was the only one acknowledged by the author. The book was reprinted many times and translated into several languages.
Voiage en Espagne de Bourgoyne 3. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 120, no. 135, as above.
[BOURGOING, Jean François, Baron de .]
Nouveau Voyage en Espagne, ou Tableau de l’État Actuel de cette Monarchie . . . Avec une Carte enluminée, des Plans & des Figures en taille-douce. Tome Premier [-Troisieme]. A Paris: chez Regnault [de l’Imprimerie de Cl. Simon] m. dcc. lxxxix . Avec Approbation & Privilége du Roi. [1789.]
DP34 .B77
First Edition, second issue. 3 vol. 8vo. 188, 194 and 206 leaves, the last a blank, folded engraved plates in vol. I and III. On the back of the title of vol. I is the Avis au Relieur, pour placer les Planches, 3 lists of Fautes à corriger, printer’s imprint at the end of the last volume.
Barbier III, 525.
Quérard I, 472.
Foulché-Delbosc, page 137, no. 189 B.
Boucher de la Richarderie III, 416.
Jefferson bought a copy from Froullé in Paris on June 13, 1789, price 12.0.
Before acquiring his copy Jefferson had mentioned his interest in it in an undated letter to William Short: “ Th: Jefferson in writing to m ( ~ r) Short forgot to mention that the present occasion by m ( ~ r) Blake will be a happy

Volume IV : page 126

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