Volume IV : page 119

Almanac du Voiageur a Paris. de 1785. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 118, no. 23, as above.
THIÉRY, Luc Vincent.
Almanach du Voyageur a Paris, contenant une Description Sommaire, mais Exacte de tous les Monuments, Chefs-d’œuvre des Arts, & Objets de curiosité que renferme cette Capitale; Ouvrage utile aux Citoyens, & indispensable pour l’Etranger. Par M. Thiéry. Année 1785 . . . A Paris: chez Hardouin, Gattey, Avec Approbation, & Privilége du Roi. [1785.]
DC729 .T43
12mo. 240 leaves, a Calendar at the beginning; no copy for the year 1785 was available for collation.
Barbier I, 111.
Quérard IX, 431, and Supercheries III, 754.
Tourneux 12028b.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue with the notation (2. cop.) and the price 2.8.
Luc Vincent Thiéry, b. 1734, French advocate, was a member of several learned societies in Paris, and editor of the Comptes rendus de l’administration des finances over a period of years. The Almanach du Voyageur a Paris appeared annually from 1783 to 1787. It was originally issued anonymously, but with the author’s name from 1784 to 1787. The arrangement of the book is alphabetical.
Curiosités de Paris par Dulaure. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 118, no. 24, as above.
DULAURE, Jacques Antoine.
Nouvelle Description des Curiosités de Paris. Contenant les détails Historiques de tous les Establissemens, Monumens, Edifices anciens & nouveaux, les Anecdotes auxquelles ils ont donné lieu, & toutes les productions des Arts, dont Paris est orné; enfin tous les objets d’utilité & d’agrémens qui peuvent intéresser les Etrangers & les Habitans de cette ville. Par J. A. Dulaure. Tome Premier. Premiere Partie. A Paris: chez Lejay, [De l’Imprimerie de Clousier] m. dcc. lxxxv. Avec Approbation et Privilége du Roi. [1785.]
First Edition. 12mo. 292 leaves, publisher’s advertisement on the back of the half-title, Approbation and Privilége du Roi on 2 leaves at the end, printer’s imprint at the end. In spite of the Tome Premier. Premiere Partie on the title-page, this book is complete and perfect in one volume, although several of the bibliographies state that it is in 2 volumes. The second edition, 1787, was published in 2 parts, with the words Premiere and Seconde Partie on the titles, but Tome Premier is omitted.
Quérard II, 661.
Tourneux 12032.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 3.0.
Jacques Antoine Dulaure, 1755-1835, French archæologist and historian. This book, dedicated by the author to the King of Sweden, at that time in Paris, was attacked by the editors of the Année littéraire , and the publication of the first edition stopped by order of the Keeper of the Seals. The scandal made the success of the book, which subsequently appeared in several editions.
Ville de Nismes. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 119, no. 133, as above.
[MAUCOMBLE, Jean François Dieudonné de.]
Histoire abrégée de la Ville de Nîmes, avec la Description de ses Antiquités.

Volume IV : page 119

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