Volume IV : page 101

Map of Europe, Asia and Africa

A letter from Jefferson to Mr. Tunnicliff, dated from Washington, April 25, 1805, contained a list of Articles which “ I ask the favor of mr Tunnicliff to procure for me in London.” This list included:

Arrowsmith’s 4 sheet map of Europe}

" do of Asia} on linen, with rollers and varnished.

" do of Africa}”
The maps were obtained from W. & S. Jones of London and included in their bill dated August 3, 1805:

Arrowsmith’s Map of Europe 2. 5. 0.

" do of Asia 2. 5. 0.

" do of Africa 2. 5. 0.
For Aaron Arrowsmith, see No. 3836.
Charts of North America

On July 12, 1805, J. Hamilton Moore wrote from London to Jefferson: “The last charts I did of North America I dedicated to the late General Washington who sent me polite answers, as you now preside at the head of the Congress, I have taken the liberty of this chart to you [ sic ], they are done with an intent to connect the Navigation of North America with the West Indies, and I trust they will be found useful.”
Jefferson replied on May 4, 1806: “ I have duly recieved the copy of your tables of navigation and Nautical astronomy which you have been so kind as to send me and I pray you to accept my thanks for them. their utility to the nautical world in general, the industry & accuracy with which they have been composed & the advantages they offer in ascertaining longitude by lunar distances are worthy of high estimation; but still more the disinterested benevolence with which they have been brought within the faculties of common mariners to obtain.

" as a member of the human family I feel my portion of thankfulness, and anxious peculiarly for the public interests entrusted to me, I have recommended to the Secretary of the Navy of the US. to avail our public vessels of this publication by procuring such number of the copies as he shall think their wants and duties will justify.
Map of North America and the West Indies

Map of South America

On July 14, 1808, Jefferson wrote to Captain Haley to request that on his return voyage from France he would bring with him

carte des etats Unis par Tardieu. un feuille, papier Colombier.}

" Carte des Indes Occidentales et du Golfe de Mexique. 1. feuille} collées ensemble

" Carte de l’Amerique meridionale par Tardieu. 2. feuilles papier Colombier. the above are not to be lined, framed, or on rollers, but simply of paper: they are to be had at Paris chez Dezauche, geographe, rue des Noyers, N o. 40.
On May 30, 1809, Tardieu wrote from Paris to Jefferson: “Je vous remercie beaucoup de la carte du Haut Mississippi qui vous m’avez fait remettre par Monsieur Coles, ainsi que de celle de la Louisiane du capitaine Louis dont vous voulez bien me promettre un exemplaire. Je ferai ce changement sur ma carte avant que d’en faire imprimer de nouveau et cela y ajoutera un interet de plus encore. Je joints a cette lettre une Carte Marine de la Mediterrannée en quatre feuilles, que je viens de graver d’après les dessins de Messieurs Rizzi-Zannoni et Lapie, elle est grande et fort exacte. Les planches de cette carte ne m’appartiennent point, mais comme il me revient toujours une douzaine d’épreuves de mes ouvrages par droit de graveur, je vous prie de vouloir bien accepter cet exemplaire comme un témoignage de la haute estime et considération avec lesquelles j’ai l’honneur d’être, Monsieur, votre dévoué serviteur.”
Antoine François Tardieu, dit Tardieu de l’Estrapade, 1757-1822, noted French engraver of maps. Tardieu usually signed himself P. F. Tardieu; his letter to Jefferson quoted above is headed P. F. Tardieu graveur géographe, place de l’Estrapade N o 1 à Paris, à monsieur T. Jefferson ex Président des Etats Unis. 30 mai 1809.

Volume IV : page 101

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