Volume II : page 98

The third volume was sent on February 4, 1809: “. . . I . . . hasten to send you the third vol. & to inform you that the 4th & last viz the New testament is now in great forwardness, more than half being printed.

"I am glad to hear that among your first employments you propose to give to the Sept: an attentive perusal, and I hope you will be so kind as to favour me with your notes & observations where I have failed in conveying the true meaning . . .”
Charles Thomson, 1729-1824, Secretary of Congress from 1774 to 1789, was born in Ireland and emigrated with his family to America in 1739. According to the bibliographers this is the first translation into English of the Septuagint. In a letter to John Adams, on June 1, 1822, when Thomson was ninety-three years of age, Jefferson wrote: “ the papers tell us that Gen l. Starke is off at the age of 93. Charles Thomson still lives at about the same age, chearful, slender as a grasshopper, and so much without memory that he scarcely recognises the members of his household. an intimate friend of his called on him not long since: it was difficult to make him recollect who he was, and, sitting one hour, he told him the same story 4. times over. is this life? . . .
J. 22
Liber Job Graeco carmine redditus. per Duport. 12 mo. Cant. 1653.
1815 Catalogue, page 66. no. 9, as above.
BIBLE.-- The Book of Job .
Θρηνοθριαμβος. Sive Liber Job Græco carmine redditus per J. D. Cantabrigiensem, S.T.B. Editio altera, multis in locis ab Autore recognita & emendata. Cui adduntur in fine tres Psalmi . . . Cantabrigiæ: apud Thomam Buck celeberrimæ Academiæ Typographum, Veneunt ibidem per Guilielmum Graves, Bibliopolam, 1653.
BS1416 .D7
8vo. 112 leaves; Greek and Latin on opposite pages; complimentary verses on 9 pp. at the beginning; dedication signed Jacobus Duport.
STC B2656.
A List of Books Printed in Cambridge at the University Press, 1521-1800, page 21.
Bowes, no. 99.
Rebound in half red morocco by the Library of Congress[.] Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I.
James Duport, 1606-1679, English classical scholar, was master of Magdalene College, Cambridge.
J. 23
Lowthe’s Isaiah. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 66. no. 11, as above.
BIBLE.-- Isaiah .
Isaiah. A new translation; by the late Robert Lowth, D.D. Bishop of London. To which is added, A plain, concise and particular Explanation of each Chapter. Extracted chiefly from “A Treatise on the Prophets,” by John Smith, D.D. Minister of the Gospel at Campbleton, Scotland . . . Albany: Printed by Charles R. and George Webster, 1794.
BS1513 .L6
12mo. 112 leaves.
Evans, 2662.
This edition not in Darlow and Moule.
O’Callaghan, page 48, no. 2.
Original tree sheep. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Robert Lowth, Bishop of London, 1710-1787. The first edition of his Isaiah was printed in London in 1778.
John Smith, 1747-1807, Scottish antiquary and Gaelic scholar. His first edition of Lowth’s Isaiah appeared in London in 1791.

Volume II : page 98

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