Volume II : page 89

Chapter XVII


. . . I am for freedom of religion, & against all manoeuvres to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another . . .
letter from Thomas Jefferson to elbridge gerry, january 26, 1799.
. . . but the greatest of all the Reformers of the depraved religion of his own country, was Jesus of Nazareth. abstracting what is really his from the rubbish in which it is buried, easily distinguished by it’s lustre from the dross of his biographers, and as separable from that as the diamond from the dung hill, we have the outlines of a system of the most sublime morality which has ever fallen from the lips of man: outlines which it is lamentable he did not live to fill up . . .
letter from Thomas Jefferson to william short, october 31, 1819.
J. 1
Sybillina oracula. Gr. Lat. Castalionis. 2. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 68. no. 69, as above, with the reading Castaleonis.
OPSOPAEUS, Johannes.
Σιβυλλιακοι Χρησμοι hoc est Sibyllina Oracvla ex uett. codd. aucta, renouata, et notis illustrata a D. Iohanne Opsopoeo Brettano. Cum interpretatione Latina Sebastiani Castalionis et Indice.--Oracvla Magica Zoroastris cvm Scholiis Plethonis et Pselli nunc primum editi. E Bibliotheca Regia. Studio Johannis Opsopœi.--Oracvla Metrica Iovis, Apollinis, Hecates, Serapidis, et aliorvm deorum ac vatum tam virorum quam feminarum, a Ioanne Opsopœo collecta. Item Astrampsychi oneirocreticon à Ios. Scaligero digestum & castigatum. Græce et Latine. Parisiis, m. dc. vii . [1607.]
PA4253 .O83 1607
3 parts bound in 2 vol. 8vo. 270 and 178 leaves; engraved emblematic title-page in compartments by C. de Mallery, engravings of the Sibylla in the text, separate title-page with woodcut ship device for the 2nd and 3rd parts.
Brunet IV, 281.
Graesse VI, 398.
The book was issued in 1 vol. and was bound in 2 volumes for Jefferson, and rebound in red roan by the Library of Congress in 1903.
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 10.0.
Johannes Opsopoeus, 1556-1596, German physician and scholar.
Sébastien Chateillon [Castalio], 1515-1563, French savant and translator of the Bible. This edition of the Sibyllina Oracula is an exact reprint of the first edition of 1599.
J. 2
King’s Heathen gods. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 65. no. 1, as above.
KING, William.
[ An Historical Account of the Heathen Gods and Heroes, necessary for the

Volume II : page 89

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