Volume II : page 85

4 vol. in 2. 12mo. 245, 272, 212, and 176 leaves; woodcut sphere device on the title-pages.
Barbier III, col. 408.
Quérard IV, 222.
Old calf, gilt back, marbled endpapers, m.e. Initialled by Jefferson in vols. I and III. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered on the undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 9.0.
Pierre Jeannin, 1540-1622, French statesman, was intendant of finances under Henry IV and took an active part in the principal events of the reign. This account of his Negotiations was published by his grandson, the abbé Nicolas de Castille, the first edition in Paris 1656, folio. It was several times reprinted.
J. 181
Lettres et negociations de Jean de Witt. 5. v. 12 mo. 1669.
1815 Catalogue, page 61. no. 14, as above.
WITT, Jan de.
Lettres et negociations entre M r. Jean de Witt, conseiller pensionnaire & garde des sceaux des provinces de Hollande et de West-Frise. Et Messieurs les Plenipotentiaires des provinces unies des Pais-Bas. Aux cours de France, d’Angleterre, de Suede, de Danemarc, de Pologne &c. depuis l’année 1652. jusqu’à l’an 1669. inclus. Traduites du Hollandois. Tome Premier [-Quatrieme] . . . --Resolutions importantes de leurs nobles et grandes puissances les Etats de Hollande et de West-Frise, pendant le ministere de M r. Jean de Witt, conseiller-pensionnaire. Traduites du Hollandois. A Amsterdam: chez les Janssons-Waesberge, 1725.
DJ180 .W6
First Edition of this translation. Together 5 vol. 12mo. 272, 355, 307, 265, and 243 leaves; titles printed in red and black, those in vol. I-IV vary after the volume number, each one giving the contents of the volume.
Van der Aa XXI, 381.
Quérard X, 526.
Not in Barbier.
French calf, gilt backs, marbled endpapers, r.e., blue silk bookmarks. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T in each volume. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplates.
Listed on the undated manuscript catalogue, price 9.
The copy bought by Jefferson from Pougens on June 8, 1803, at the special price 25., reduced from 30. was intended for the Library of Congress.
Jan De Witt, 1625-1672, Dutch statesman. The Dutch edition of the Brieven Geschrieben was published in 1723-25, and of De Resolution der Heeren-Staten in 1719.
J. 182
Ambassades de Carlisle a Moscovie, Suede & Dannemarc, 1664-1665. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 60. no. 13, as above.
La Relation de trois Ambassades de Monseigneur le comte de Carlisle, de la part du Serenissime Tres-puissant Prince Charles II. Roy de la Grande Bretagne, vers leurs Serenissimes Majestés Alexey Michailovitz Czar & Grand Duc de Moscovie, Charles Roy de Suede, & Frederic III. Roy de Dannemarc & de Norvege, commencées en l’an 1663. & finies sur la fin de l’an 1664. Sur l’imprimé à Amsterdam, a Rouen: chez L. Maurry, 1670.
DK62.6 .M6

Volume II : page 85

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