Volume II : page 410

Six tracts, at one time bound together as listed by Jefferson, now separated and rebound. Some of the copies in the Library of Congress here described are numbered in ink on the title-pages in the order of Jefferson’s list, and are probably the copies sold by him to Congress.

Abus et dangers de la contrainte par corps. par du Closel d’Arnay.
? J. i. BARBAT du CLOSEL d’ARNERY, Claude Gaspard.
Abus et Dangers de la Contrainte par Corps. Par M. du Closel d’Arnery, Ecuyer. A Paris: chez l’Auteur, Royez, et les Libraires du Palais-Royal, 1788. Avec Approbation & Permission.
Law 430
First Edition. 8vo. 45 leaves: author’s advertisement on the verso of the first leaf; list of errata on the second.
Quérard II, 630.
Not in Dupin.
Rebound in half calf, padded with blanks. Numbered 1 in ink on the title-page.
Purchased from Froullé 24 November 1788, price 1.4.
Claude Gaspard Barbat du Closel d’Arnery, born in Riom, 1743.
Militia law of New York.
? J. ii. An Act to regulate the Militia of the State of New-York. Passed the 4th of April, 1786. New-York: Printed by Samuel and John Loudon, Printers to the State, n.d. [ 1786.]
UB504 .N7 A3
Sm. 8vo. 12 leaves.
Sabin 53464.
Evans 19851 (not seen, and with date 7th of April).
Rebound in calf; numbered 2 in ink on the title-page.
Laws of N. York against the Loyalists & British trade.
iii. Laws of the Legislature of the State of New York, in force against the Loyalists, and affecting the Trade of Great Britain, and British Merchants, and others having Property in that State. London: Printed by H. Reynell, and sold by J. Debrett [and others], m.dcc.lxxxvi . [1786]
E277 .N53 1786
8vo. 96 leaves in fours.
Sabin 53743.
Rebound in half morocco in 1909. This copy is not numbered on the title-page and has no sign of Jefferson provenance.
Recueil dans l’Affaire du Cardinal de Rohan.
? J. iv. Recueil de Pieces authentiques et intéressantes, pour servir d’eclaircissement a l’Affaire concernant le Cardinal, Prince de Rohan, &c. A Strasbourg, 1786.
Sm. 8vo. 28 leaves: [ ] 2, A-F 4, G 2.
Not in Barbier.
Hayn 191.
Rebound in half calf. Numbered 4 in ink on the title-page. For a note on Cardinal Rohan and the Affaire du Collier see below.
Louis Rene Edouard, Cardinal de Rohan, 1743-1803, became a Cardinal in 1778 and Archbishop of Strassburg in the following year. At the trial in connection with the Diamond Necklace in 1786 Rohan was acquitted.
Lettres patentes &c. au sujet des isles, atterrissemens &c. de Gironde.
? J. v. Lettres-Patentes, du 14 Mai, 1786: Arret de la Cour du Parlement de Bordeaux, dn [sic] 30 Mai 1786: et Remonstrances, du meme Parlement, au Roi, du trente Juin, mil sept cent quatre-vingt-six. Au sujet des Isles, Islots, Atterrisse-

Volume II : page 410

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