Volume II : page 406

J. 56
Le Costituzioni Sardesche de Eleonora, o’ Carta de Logu Sard et Ital. del Mannelli. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 90. no. 63, Le Constituzioni Sardesche, o Carta de Logu, Sarda et Ital, del Manelli, fol.
ELEANORA of Arborea-- MAMELI de’ MANELLI, Giovanni Maria.
Le Costituzioni di Eleonora Giudicessa d’Aborèa intitolate Carta de Logu colla Traduzione letterale dalla Sarda nell’ Italiana Favella e con copiose Note del Consigliere di Stato, e Riferendario Cavaliere Don Giovanni Maria Mameli de’ Mannelli Patrizio di Cagliari, e di Rocca-Contrada Giudice del Consolato in Cagliari della Società Georgica di Treja. La Nota ccxxxv. contiene un Saggio Storico-Geneologico della Nobilissima casa d’Arborèa. In Roma mdcccv . Presso Antonio Fulgoni. Con Licenza de’ Superiori. [1805]
Law 40
First Edition of the translation. Folio. 129 leaves collating in sixes, engraved vignette on the title and full-page plates by M. di Pietro; Italian and Sardinian text on opposite pages in roman and italic letter respectively.
Fontana III, p. 55.
Old sheep, title lettered in gold on the sides, within lozenge shaped ornaments, g.e. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. A piece containing a name cut away from the fly-leaf. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Eleanora, Judge of Arborea, 1347-1403. The Carta de Logu was prepared in 1395, and first printed in 1560.
J. 57
Institution du droit François par Argou. 2. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 90. no. 6, as above.
ARGOU, Gabriel.
Institution au Droit François, par M. Argou, avocat au Parlement. Onzième edition, revue, corrigée & augmentée, conformément aux nouvelles Ordonnances, par M.A.G. Boucher d’Argis, avocat au Parlement. Tome premier [-second]. A Paris: chez Nyon l’aîné [de l’imprimerie de L. Cellot], m. dcc. lxxxvii . Avec privilege du Roi. [1787]
Law 141
2 vol. 12mo. 320 and 291 leaves, 1 engraved folded chart; printer’s imprint at the end.
Camus, no. 552.
French mottled calf, marbled endpapers, gilt backs, r.e., blue silk bookmarks, some leaves unopened. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Gabriel Argou, 1640-1703, French lawyer. The firs[t] edition of this book was anonymously published in 1692, and for a time wrongly ascribed to the abbé Claude Fleury.
Gaspard Boucher d’Argis, 1708-1791, French lawyer. His first edition of Argou’s work was published in 1753.
J. 58
Camus sur la profession d’Avocat. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 89. no. 11, as above.
CAMUS, Armand Gaston.
Lettres sur la Profession d’Avocat, sur les études relatives à cette profession, & sur la maniere de l’exercer; avec un Catalogue raisonné des livres de droit qu’il est le plus utile d’acquérir & de connoître. Par M. Camus, Avocat au Parlement, & Censeur Royal . . . A Paris: chez Méquignon le Jeune [de l’Imprimerie de

Volume II : page 406

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