Volume II : page 404

12mo. 225 leaves only, should be 226, lacks the title.
Rahir 2065.
Sweet & Maxwell I, 26, 84.
Old calf, some leaves scorched and others waterstained. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
The first edition was printed in Oxford in 1629. This Amsterdam edition is a line for line reprint of the Elsevier edition of 1652, including the Epistola Dedicatoria signed by Johannes & Daniel Elsevirii, from Lugd. Bat., Feb. 12, 1652.
J. 51
Gerardi Noodt Opera omnia. folio. Lug. Bat. 1767.
1815 Catalogue, page 90. no. 60, as above.
NOODT, Gerard.
Gerardi Noodt, Noviomagi, Jurisconsulti et Antescessoris, Opera omnia, recognita, aucta, emendata, multis in locis, atque in duos tomos distributa. Accessit V. Cl. Joannis Barbeyracii historica vitae auctoris narratio. Editio novissima . . . --[Tomus II. Continens Commentarium in D. Justiniani, sacratissimi Principis, Libros xxvii. Digestorum, sive Pandectarum Juris enucleati ex omni vetere Jure collecti, editio tertia. emendatior.] Lugduni Batavorum: apud Theodorum Haak, mdcclxvii . [1767]
Law 52
2 vol. Folio. 287 and 241 leaves collating in fours; first title-page printed in red and black, full page engraved portrait of Noodt by A. van der Laan in vol. I; text in double columns.
This edition not in Van der Aa, not in Dupin.
Rebound in half sheep. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T in vol. I.
Jefferson made long quotations from the works of Noodt in his statement in the Batture Case at New Orleans.
Gerard Noodt, 1647-1725, Dutch lawyer. His collected works, of which this was the last edition, were originally published in 1724.
J. 52
Taylor’s elements of civil law. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 91. no. 48, as above.
Elements of the Civil Law. By Iohn Taylor, LL.D. Rector of Lawford, in Essex: Arch-Deacon of Buckingham; and Chancellor of the Diocese of Lincoln. The third edition. London: [Printed and sold by Charles Bathurst, 1769.]
Law 344
4to. 303 leaves in fours, engraved headpiece by W. Stephens, colophon on the last leaf.
Sweet & Maxwell II, 186, 26.
This edition not in Clarke who dates the third edition 1786.
Calf. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
This was one of the books selected by Jefferson from the library of the Rev. Samuel Henley, and is on the list sent to the latter by Jefferson from Paris, March 3, 1785.
John Taylor, 1704-1766, English classical scholar. The Elements of the Civil Law, first printed in 1755, consisted of papers written whilst the author was tutor to the grandsons of Lord Carteret. The book was attacked by Warburton in the Divine Legation , 1755. Taylor was a fellow of the Royal Society and of the Antiquarian Society.
J. 53
Schomberg’s hist. of the Roman law. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 91. no. 19, as above, with reading history.
SCHOMBERG, Alexander Crowcher.
An historical and chronological view of Roman Law. With notes and illustrations. By Alexander C. Schomberg, M.A. Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford.

Volume II : page 404

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